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718 results found

  1. Add the ability to optionally fire a data gathering query if an alert fires

    For example, (Detect Suspicious Errors Typical of a SQL Injection Attack)...

    If suspicious activity crosses a threshold, it throws an alert. Great. Now what? I have an alert but no data to investigate without opening SSMS (or tool of choice) and running a query like this (I’m sure there are better ways but this works for an example)

    SELECT CAST(targetdata asxml) AS targetdata
    INTO #SuspiciousErrors
    xesessiontargets xet
    JOIN sys.dmxesessions xes ON xes.address=xet.eventsessionaddress
    AND xet.targetname ='ringbuffer';

    dateadd(mi,datediff(mi,getutcdate(),getdate()),xed.eventdata.value('(@timestamp)[1]','datetime2'))AS EventTime
    , xed.event
    data.value('(data[@name="errornumber"]/value)[1]','int')AS ErrorNum
    , xed.event

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  2. Overviews Alert Severity Colours

    When I go to the overviews page the servers have different alert levels represented by a colour and a symbol. I would like the choice of colours to be easier to identify for colour blind people, so the healthy, low and medium have colours that are almost identical to colour blind people as the contrast is so similar:

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  3. Have a parameter for status/severity colour

    when using slack notifications messages are automatically coloured red/green for failed, ended.

    Like a lot of companies we're migrating to Microsoft Teams and whilst we can use the Webhook stuff to reproduce most of the slack alert for Teams we're not able to colour code the alert based on status. Having a new parameter for status-colour and severity-colour would really allow us to clean this up.

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  4. Please add granular details on memory and processor usage

    Please add granular details on memory and processor usage to display resources used by each individual process

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  5. see an administrative web-based log viewer

    Having the ability to review logs in a web-based interface is useful for administrators of a tool so we can diagnose and remedy some problems without needing to reach out to support. The downside is the log needs to be filterable or multiple log files need to exist.
    An example of a log that would be useful would be an email log. In the event an email fails to send, I'd like to know why without needing to download the entire log in a zip, extract the zip locally, and browse through it when I am looking for a specific…

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  6. Monitor Disk Overallocation

    Recently we ran into disk space issues on a server. Looking into that, it was discovered that a 10TB database had 3TB in "Unused" space. That is the space was allocated to a table, but the table needed to be reorganized to recover the space. sp_spaceused shows this space, and a disk report of top tables clearly showed the Unused space. This was not something that Redgate noticed. Going back over our estate, we discovered there were more such databases where we could recover space. This could also be noted at an individual file level. Reorganizing that one database has…

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  7. Disable specific alert for some time

    Make it possible to ignore a specific alert for a specific server for x amount of time. Sometimes there is something going on for say half a day and you do not want to miss out on other errors but just that specific one.

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  8. Automatic validation of regex for Long-running query configuration

    When applying regex filters for long-running queries, a malformed expressions causes the page to just drop the error and not take the save action.
    My suggestion is to just implement a basic regex validation and prompt/indication on error.

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  9. I'd like it to be more obvious that an active alert is no longer a current and unresolved issue

    Whenever an issue is flagged, for example in the night, it changed the server to red. Once you click on that, the state is "active" (more un acknowledged I would say if not current). For me it is not clear if that issue is still ongoing or that it had been an issue and is now resolved.
    Can it be made clear what the end time is if the alert is no longer active? (right now only start time is listed)

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  10. have more flexibility with user permissions.

    I'd like to be able to customize permissions. For instance, I would like an AD group to have the ability to set and remove alert suppressions (operational) but not have admin access to the monitor (administrative).

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  11. add data from past to a custom metric

    Since data at the current point in time is still being processed and takes about a minute and a half to complete its way around the system a way to add a data point from a few minutes ago for example would be very advantageous.

    As a work around currently the metrics all do a
    where utc_date between
    and dateadd(minute,-2,convert(smalldatetime,getutcdate()))

    but this means that the data is always two minutes out when compared to the actual raw data

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  12. Reduce the suggestions on how to fix queries when viewing Top 10 Queries

    SQL Monitor pops up the text "x issues with this query". Addressing them could improve performance. It then lists some things that might have an impact (e.g. select * instead of listing just the columns that are required) but also lists other things that won't change performance (e.g. not specifying a schema name).

    Can this list be reduced to just what is potentially performance related? Maybe have a 2nd field for best practices if that's considered improtant.

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  13. Webhook notification for Cleared events

    We use Webhook notication to push the alerts to our central ITSM tool. The status "Raised" creates an entry, the status "Ended" deletes the entry in the third-party tool.

    We would also like to be able to use the status "Cleared" to delete entries. For this, a webhook notification would also have to be triggered when the status changes to "Cleared", which is not yet the case.

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  14. For the "Job failing" alert, add the ability to exclude job categories

    The "Job failing" alert currently has the ability to exclude jobs based on job name and owner. It would be very useful to also have the ability to exclude jobs based on the Agent Job Category.

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  15. can use proxy

    We have internet access through proxy. I need SQL Monitor to work through this. for example download latest update

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  16. When "Totals" is selected, on mouse over still display average values for the metrics

    When we change from "Avg. per execution" to "Totals" the row order can change.

    With bigger numbers, it becomes harder to quickly know if the average is high or not to decide to take a further look.

    Instead of need to "Track query" and then click back and forth with "Avg. per execution" / "Totals" having the average on the tooltip when "Totals" is selected will be helpful.

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  17. Being able to set alerts based on existing KPIs (Analysis Graph) instead of create a new custom metric

    If I want to create an alert based on some existing KPIs, I need to write the query and can't leverage the existing one.

    I want to create an alert when the "Tempdb: Free bytes" is lower than X.
    I can't use the existing "SQL Server metrics" that contain this KPI.
    Instead, I need to create a new custom metric and build the query. (which in the end it will be exactly the same). Only after that I can create an alert.

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  18. Add a scroll bar to the backup list (bottom within the specific database)

    When we go to the "Databases" at the bottom and we expand a specific one we get the list of the backups that happened during the period we have filtered.

    For a better experience, this list should have a vertical scroll bar it it it will show more than 5/10(?) entries.

    Otherwise the general scroll bar will become smaller, the page height increase a lot and we need to scroll much more

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  19. Grant more granular report level access

    I can grant report level access to a user by adding them to the Reports User role and I can restrict the servers which they see reports for.

    However, this role gives the user more permissions than I would like to give - they can still view any other page - alerts, server overview etc

    Can we change this so they can see the reports only?

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  20. Add ability to collapse the "Query details"/"Wait type"/"User memory" list under a specific query.

    Often we want to screenshot the execution pattern, the graph below all these areas and because all of those occupy a big chunk of space on the screen, this becomes harder.

    We end by "zoom-out", crops, or even picking multiple screenshots and doing collages.


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