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  1. Add option(s) for manual purging of data (use case: removed instances, deleted databases)

  2. “Longest Running Queries” in Redgate SQL Monitor Reports

  3. Identifiy the failed job steps when a job has failed  ·  completed

  4. Use the Base Monitor Service account to query Active Directory when using AD Credentials  ·  completed

  5. Be able to run a query (or powershell) in response to an alert

  6. be able to be advised if a certain query (sql_handle or query_hash) is suddenly taking much longer than normal to execute. Not only to see

  7. Sharing links

  8. Provide a report on queries with suggestions on improving performance

  9. Add more information to alert email  ·  completed

  10. Allow Job Name to be used for Long-running query alert exclusion

  11. Show Stored Procedure Argument values in Long Running Query alerts  ·  declined

  12. allow analysis graphs to update with realtime data without having to manually refresh them

  13. Being able to filter "TOP Queries" by any of the columns

  14. Long-Running Query Alert - Occurrences tab to refer only to instances of that query

  15. Display parameter list in the query plan form

  16. export metrics data to csv (or table) with configurable granularity and option to get cumulative data

  17. Report that shows top 50 long running queries across the estate

  18. Add Database Filtered in Top 10 Queries\Wait Section

  19. Triage and configure repeating alerts more efficiently  ·  completed

  20. Drill-down from Analysis Charts to Back in Time Mode overview for a given data point

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