Drill-down from Analysis Charts to Back in Time Mode overview for a given data point

The new server overviews in v.6 now allow you to focus on spikes in the main graph and see all the other metrics, including queries and processes, at that time. We've also added alerts to the timeline so you can see what alert activity was taking place at that time.
We welcome any further suggestions for improving the workflow, although this is now slightly off-topic from the original post so it could be useful to break further ideas into separate suggestions.
As for the ability to drill-down from Analysis charts to server overviews for a given data point, this is something we do think would be useful too and will hope to address.
Adam -
Gert Hauan commented
I also consider this a very important feature. In fact, when we bought SQL Monitor, we thought this was one of the features. It is not always that one has an alert to look at. If I see a spike in the Analysis graph, I need to see what processes and queries where running at that time.
Rich Uchytil commented
This would be so helpful. I see a spike or a time when a certain metric is high. I want to know why. Instead of going to other pages or running other scripts and such, I just want to click that and have it show me what was going on at that time. It would save so much time and make this so much more useful - especially when my boss asks what is going on.
Abdul Khan commented
During the analysis, it would be very useful to know what activity was taking place during spikes. An easy one would be to visualize if any SQL agent jobs were running at the time or backup/restore operations etc.
Peter Magid commented
I would like to treat a point on the Analysis graph like it was an alert that I could zoom in on and get the same level of detail I would get as if I were looking at an alert. For example, when looking at a spike in transactions/sec, I would like to see what was going on with all the same information I would see if I add received an alert about that spike.
We're currently making improvements to the Analysis page (e.g. http://sqlmonitor.uservoice.com/forums/91743-suggestions/suggestions/1891823-select-multiple-counters-for-analysis ) and plan further improvements so this is something we will consider.
Thanks for the suggestion