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718 results found

  1. Only Query Serverless Azure SQL Databases if they are Online and not Paused

    As mentioned in the below post, SQL Monitor will keep serverless Azure SQL databases from pausing and saving us the money they are supposed to. I would like the Azure SQL monitoring piece to be rewritten to use the Azure API to determine both if the Azure SQL DB is serverless or not and if it is AND paused, don't run any queries that would wake it. Yet if it is NOT paused, get info about it and update SQL Monitor.

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  2. Show login and client hostname/IP address for Top Queries on PostgreSQL

    Re: PostgreSQL Monitoring

    Please add information about the connection that the queries (in the Top Queries section) were executed on, specifically the client machine hostname/ IP address and the login name.

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  3. Possible AI usage for Alerts in Red Gate Monitor

    The alert system for Red Gate Monitor could be improved with some more intelligence. For example Full backup jobs and differential backups, weekly full, daily differential. Of course the differential will take a lot more time just before the full backup in comparison with the differential backup just after the full backup. If Monitor could "learn" the environment and only give alerts when things are really off then this would be much better.

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  4. Remove sys from Top Queries as a filter

    On the dashboard “Top Queries” grid, a way to filter out any queries that were system wrote or 'sys' wrote. This way you can monitor only the queries that you have written.

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  5. implementing user permission settings at the instance level, rather than at the cluster level.

    In my company, it is crucial to implement permission settings at the instance level, rather than at the cluster level, for accessing overviews and creating summarized reports. ~
    This feature is extremely important because our clusters are shared by multiple tenants/instrances, and we need the ability to assign specific permissions to the respective owners of each instance.

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  6. add SSO option to the AD/LDAP logon screen

    Attached file is from an application we use that allows the user to quickly logon as themselves, or to manually enter network credentials. In addition, the attached file shows a logon screen with the application version number; this too would be helpful for Redgate Monitor without having to login and check the configuration info page.

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  7. alerts summary tile to be able to filter out cleared alerts

    Please allow Alerts Summary tile to be able to filter out cleared alerts, similar to the Alerts tile

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  8. Monitor Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server

    Is there a plan to support monitor PostreSQL Flexible Server on Azure?

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  9. Create an alert that triggers when receiving only partial telemetry from a server

    I have a situation where Redgate Monitor is sometimes not receiving telemetry from the server OS. This occurred sporadically for several weeks until I had to open the server's detailed information, where I discovered the missing telemetry. The monitor triggered no alerts during those weeks despite it being caused by crashing windows services.

    I've attached a screenshot that shows the missing telemetry for CPU and memory, caused by the perfmon service timing out and crashing.

    After opening a ticket I was informed that there are no alert conditions in the monitor to detect this situation. This seems like a crucial…

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  10. Subject line change on Alerting .Include TargetObject name instead of Base monitor server

    Dear team ,
    We are successfully integrated SQL Monitor with halcyon monitoring Via SNMP traps. Business rules in Halcyon generates the ticket in SD and it comes to DBA's for action.
    we are happy that setup is working as expected but we wanted to have a TargetSystem name in subject line of the alerts instead of coming as base monitor server name where SQL monitor hosted . This will let us take a quick glance on high priority systems rather than less priority .
    Subject line should include target Object instead of base monitor server name (which is default for…

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  11. I would like to suppress an alert in PostgreSQL log

    I would like to suppress an alert in PostgreSQL log, I made a configuration but it is not working, I keep receiving the alert coming from the PostgreSQL log. Support told me it is only possible for SQL Server.

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  12. For the web hook can have option to only alert on raised and closed separate

    "Send Webhook messages when alerts are raised or ended" is the current text, Would be nice to have option not to alert on closed.

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  13. In AzureSQL, I would like Redgate Monitor to not "keep awake" systems which are set to "sleep".

    Within AzureSQL you can set SQL Servers to be Serverless and also to "sleep after" a time window. This means you can save money for systems which are not heavily used.
    I think Redgate Monitor needs to have a "light touch" mode for such systems where it will firstly check the config and say "ok, this server is asleep, I dont need to look at it" before reporting maybe in the infomration status "system asleep". When the system wakes up, it should monitor as normal.
    This is a cost saving exercise since, after adding Redgate to our Legacy AzureSQL servers,…

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  14. Add number of alerts to browser tab

    I always have SQL Monitor open as one of the tabs on my browser (Chrome). What might be useful is to change the text of the tab (only when it is set to Global Overview) to include the number of alerts (unread or uncleared I'm not sure.....) - much like if you have Gmail inbox open, then any unread items make the tab text "Gmail - inbox (1)'

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  15. Monitor an application server

    You can already monitor a 'host' machine which does not host any SQL Server instances, but it would be nice if we could also monitor application log locations, services etc.

    Maybe Custom Metrics which can use something other than t-sql?

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  16. Allow email configuration at the time you configure a new alert.

    Once you configure an alert, it automatically defaults to notify the default recipient. However, if I want another user to receive these emails, I have to configure this through Alert Settings. I'd like the ability to set up the email address in Custom Metrics setting, so that everything is done in one integrated place.

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  17. Analysis parsing of dates and multiple baselines using a text input search

    Allow the analysis and other date filters to provide the option to paste and try parsing the date based on matching common patterns (maybe even allowing user to define options in config file).

    For example, the standard SQL datetime2(0) of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss pasted would convert to the date it parses.

    Maybe even consider taking a page from the freaking great design Simple Bank has started applying which is a text based filter applying friendly syntax. I have found this incredibly useful.

    They let you type in the search filter

    "last 3 months"
    "last week"

    and it immediate updates…

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  18. Alert based upon trend data

    We want to be able to alert when a value changes dramatically over a period of time. so if a system returns 110,105,112,40,38,52

    to eye ball that on a graph I can see there is a problem, however that may be at the peak time of the day and 38 might be a reasonable value for in the middle of the night, so having a threshold of a low value is not appropriate, the comparison mode of query for this situation would report a change of

    in here there is one large drop but then it is running stable,…

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  19. Quick view of whether Agent is up on all monitored servers

    If I go to the Configuration > Monitored servers tab, I can quickly see if all SQL Servers are up and running. It would be nice to also be able to quickly see if all SQL Server Agent services are up and running.

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  20. Alert Stats on the new Cards

    Those new cards look very nice, BUT, they do not show anything about the alerts raised on the instance!

    That's a shocking omission, IMO.

    Please add something that shows the alerts, like the old Overview page did, like counts by severity, with colors!

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