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718 results found

  1. Detailed Memory usage breakdown

    I would like to see a breakdown of memory usage. For example, how much memory is used by the plan cache, how much for the buffer pool, etc.
    Also, a breakdown of memory usage per database.

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  2. list, and get alerts from the SQL Monitor API.

    Add possibility to list, and get alerts from the SQL Monitor API.

    This so we more easily can share and distribute alerts to a users that shouldn't have access to SQL Monitor.

    In my org we have a lot of developers, and a lot of different databases that are hosted on the same clusters, I want the possibility to send more direct alerts and messages to these users.

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  3. Please add granular details on memory and processor usage

    Please add granular details on memory and processor usage to display resources used by each individual process

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  4. Display maintenance windows on timeline

    When looking at the timeline graph with the CPU/IO/Waits stats it would be very nice to see the maintenance windows, for example as a difference background color.
    This would help immediately recognize why IO is spiking for example. I realize that can also be accomplished with the Baseline for regular maintenance but I don't see it as mutually exclusive since a maintenance window can be configured at any time.

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  5. Availability Group alert details

    It would be great to see the server name in the mail body which is affected by the alert. Currently it is only in the subject. EG: Raised on detail i the mail body contains the primary replica, the affected unreachable replica is only in the subject.

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  6. Report that shows top 50 long running queries across the estate

    Submitting an enhancement request to expand the reporting capabilities for long running across the entire estate. The report tile only show a handful. It would be very useful to be able to run a report listing the top 25, 50, etc long running queries across the entire SQL estate. The data is available somewhere but instead of going into each instance a consolidated report would be greatly beneficial is order to identify queries for performance review. We are also going through an upgrade and are identifying queries to benchmark for before and after performance to ensure there is no degradation.

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  7. Have a parameter for status/severity colour

    when using slack notifications messages are automatically coloured red/green for failed, ended.

    Like a lot of companies we're migrating to Microsoft Teams and whilst we can use the Webhook stuff to reproduce most of the slack alert for Teams we're not able to colour code the alert based on status. Having a new parameter for status-colour and severity-colour would really allow us to clean this up.

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  8. Have a custom message added to alerts

    When an alert is emailed, I want to place an action (possibly including an html link) as a comment on the alert.

    This would allow the recipient of the alert to solve the issue directly.

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  9. Custom metrics and alerts powershell cmdlet

    Could there be a cmdlet to create custom metrics and alerts using Powershell

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  10. Overviews Alert Severity Colours

    When I go to the overviews page the servers have different alert levels represented by a colour and a symbol. I would like the choice of colours to be easier to identify for colour blind people, so the healthy, low and medium have colours that are almost identical to colour blind people as the contrast is so similar:

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  11. Customize alerts at the host level in a windows cluster

    Currently you cant customize host level alerts at the host level only at the windows cluster level.

    A few scenarios where this is needed :-

    Always-on cluster where one node is for the application and you have a read-only secondary for reporting. I need to be alerted for the application node for high CPU, but the report server is usually often hits 100% CPU during business hours.

    Multi node regular failover cluster with different application owners. 3 nodes, app1 lives on node1, app2 lives on node2, node 3 is a passive node for both. Alerts for app1 need to go…

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  12. Add the ability to optionally fire a data gathering query if an alert fires

    For example, (Detect Suspicious Errors Typical of a SQL Injection Attack)...

    If suspicious activity crosses a threshold, it throws an alert. Great. Now what? I have an alert but no data to investigate without opening SSMS (or tool of choice) and running a query like this (I’m sure there are better ways but this works for an example)

    SELECT CAST(targetdata asxml) AS targetdata
    INTO #SuspiciousErrors
    xesessiontargets xet
    JOIN sys.dmxesessions xes ON xes.address=xet.eventsessionaddress
    AND xet.targetname ='ringbuffer';

    dateadd(mi,datediff(mi,getutcdate(),getdate()),xed.eventdata.value('(@timestamp)[1]','datetime2'))AS EventTime
    , xed.event
    data.value('(data[@name="errornumber"]/value)[1]','int')AS ErrorNum
    , xed.event

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  13. track blocking processes date/time by start time, not login time

    in blocking tree, it shows old date/times for queries that are running. We found that it is using the login time of the spids (which could be held and sleeping for extended amount of time) instead of the start time of the executing process of that spid.
    instead of using the login time, I recommend it uses the start time of the last execution of the query found in sys.dmexecrequest

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  14. Shorten the focus window from 15mins to 1min

    I want to be able to apply a shorter timescale to the focus window, 15mins is far too long on a very busy system.

    I would like to be able to put a start / end date/time instead of selecting a time and then x hours before that

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  15. Suppress Specific Alerts

    There are some alerts that get triggered at odd hours and I would like to be able to suppress just those specific alerts for a certain time frame. I'm afraid to suppress ALL alerts because something could get missed.

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Search metrics on the Analysis page to enable quick way to add them

    There are a lot of metrics in different groups on the Analysis page and searching for a single metric by scrolling through the list is becoming more and more tedious. Please create a way to search for the metric.

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  19. Activate the alert suppression on a database level

    In our production environments we'd like to be able to suppress all alerting on a database level.
    For instance, if a database is to be retired, it will go into an automatic offline state for 2 weeks before it's actually deleted. During this period SQL Monitor keeps returning with a High Alert level warning that the database is not available.
    Yes it's possible to manually disable this alert just for this database. However if we want automatic ticketing to kick in on this alert type we'd need to able to create a maintenance window before hand in order to prevent…

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  20. Trace schedule

    Could the new "Trace" feature have a schedule as well as an on/off? If not this then how about a third option "Trace until date/time"?


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