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717 results found

  1. Trigger a device check-in via powershell

    We use powershell scripts to shut down and start SQL services before and after maintenance. The scripts create a suppression window before and after as well. However, if the suppression window is removed too soon after the services are up, alerts are still fired because SQL Monitor thinks the server is still down. We workaround this by adding a delay in the scripts, but it's annoying to sit and wait for it. I'd like to be able to force SQL Monitor to check in with the server before removing the alert suppression window.

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  2. Show/Hide metrics on Analysis page

    Please add an option to show/hide selected metrics on the Analysis page. Something similar to the Reports graph would do.

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  3. Monitor SSRS

    Monitor Reporting services

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  4. Monitor Disk Overallocation

    Recently we ran into disk space issues on a server. Looking into that, it was discovered that a 10TB database had 3TB in "Unused" space. That is the space was allocated to a table, but the table needed to be reorganized to recover the space. sp_spaceused shows this space, and a disk report of top tables clearly showed the Unused space. This was not something that Redgate noticed. Going back over our estate, we discovered there were more such databases where we could recover space. This could also be noted at an individual file level. Reorganizing that one database has…

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  5. see an administrative web-based log viewer

    Having the ability to review logs in a web-based interface is useful for administrators of a tool so we can diagnose and remedy some problems without needing to reach out to support. The downside is the log needs to be filterable or multiple log files need to exist.
    An example of a log that would be useful would be an email log. In the event an email fails to send, I'd like to know why without needing to download the entire log in a zip, extract the zip locally, and browse through it when I am looking for a specific…

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  6. Add User Settings feature

    Add a User Settings feature that will hold all user preferences, as different DBAs / users have different ways in using SQL Monitor. For example - (1) ability to display on the Overviews page only desired health levels (Critical, Warning, etc), or named group, or base monitor, or any combination, rather than load all servers from all groups from all base monitors. I really don't want to know that I have 265 healthy out of 275 servers - this will speed up loading of the Overviews page. (2) any other user preference.

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  7. Automatic validation of regex for Long-running query configuration

    When applying regex filters for long-running queries, a malformed expressions causes the page to just drop the error and not take the save action.
    My suggestion is to just implement a basic regex validation and prompt/indication on error.

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  8. Clear Select Alerts from Dashboard when ended

    I'd like the ability to close alerts from the Latest Alert board if they are ended. A checkbox in Alert Configuration to self-close alerts once Ended would be good to have
    Eg: I have certain 5-minute jobs that fail once a day if their corresponding run completes I'd like the Alert to clear itself.

    I can configure the Alert Ended to send email notification stating its ended but it still stays active on the Alerts list in SQL Monitor.

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  9. Please add granular details on memory and processor usage

    Please add granular details on memory and processor usage to display resources used by each individual process

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  10. Display maintenance windows on timeline

    When looking at the timeline graph with the CPU/IO/Waits stats it would be very nice to see the maintenance windows, for example as a difference background color.
    This would help immediately recognize why IO is spiking for example. I realize that can also be accomplished with the Baseline for regular maintenance but I don't see it as mutually exclusive since a maintenance window can be configured at any time.

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  11. Shorten the focus window from 15mins to 1min

    I want to be able to apply a shorter timescale to the focus window, 15mins is far too long on a very busy system.

    I would like to be able to put a start / end date/time instead of selecting a time and then x hours before that

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  12. Under Estate section: display last date/time server and/or instances on each server were restarted

    I want to know what SQL Server Services are running/stopped on each server and be able to alerted if said servers are stopped.

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  13. Disable specific alert for some time

    Make it possible to ignore a specific alert for a specific server for x amount of time. Sometimes there is something going on for say half a day and you do not want to miss out on other errors but just that specific one.

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  14. FCI alerts should refer to the DB instance and not to the active node

    For various alerts that are actually assigned to nodes of a Windows FailOver cluster (no AlwaysOn), the alert display shows the active nodes as the source. For example, "Disk average read time" Node1 -> E: instead of the cluster role SQL instance -> E:.

    I can more quickly deduce from the name of the DB instance which DBs or which applications could be affected. The names of the nodes are numbered and meaningless.

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  15. Report that shows top 50 long running queries across the estate

    Submitting an enhancement request to expand the reporting capabilities for long running across the entire estate. The report tile only show a handful. It would be very useful to be able to run a report listing the top 25, 50, etc long running queries across the entire SQL estate. The data is available somewhere but instead of going into each instance a consolidated report would be greatly beneficial is order to identify queries for performance review. We are also going through an upgrade and are identifying queries to benchmark for before and after performance to ensure there is no degradation.

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  16. Have a parameter for status/severity colour

    when using slack notifications messages are automatically coloured red/green for failed, ended.

    Like a lot of companies we're migrating to Microsoft Teams and whilst we can use the Webhook stuff to reproduce most of the slack alert for Teams we're not able to colour code the alert based on status. Having a new parameter for status-colour and severity-colour would really allow us to clean this up.

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  17. Have a custom message added to alerts

    When an alert is emailed, I want to place an action (possibly including an html link) as a comment on the alert.

    This would allow the recipient of the alert to solve the issue directly.

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  18. Add filtering to the Top 10 Queries/Waits lists

    So first, this is a request for more general filtering than the 2 requests I see already exist for filtering by database (which I believe you can get to by clicking the database name further down the page, but would certainly be more convenient on the top 10 lists directly).

    The primary use case that I was looking to do but couldn't was sort by averages, but set a minimum execution count. The goal being to find my worst queries that are not just one off things that aren't likely to be repeated. I think there would be a LOT…

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  19. Have the option to capture parameters from queries

    Presumably this would require having the trace enabled and you wouldn't necessarily want to be capturing every parameter on every query so there probably needs to be some logic around choosing what to keep. This would obviously help track down parameter sniffing problems along with other troubleshooting of the exact scenario you are trying to look at.

    This is different from the suggestion listed here:

    (And that one should also be implemented and would be a valuable time saver)

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  20. Activate the alert suppression on a database level

    In our production environments we'd like to be able to suppress all alerting on a database level.
    For instance, if a database is to be retired, it will go into an automatic offline state for 2 weeks before it's actually deleted. During this period SQL Monitor keeps returning with a High Alert level warning that the database is not available.
    Yes it's possible to manually disable this alert just for this database. However if we want automatic ticketing to kick in on this alert type we'd need to able to create a maintenance window before hand in order to prevent…

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