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  1. SQL Monitore: I would like to see the response time I/O of database files.

  2. Have a standard metric for Data space used

  3. Total data file size/used metrics - add filegroup level

  4. Data disk space usage percentage in Reports

  5. Have more retention periods for the data retention settings.

  6. Delay "Performance Data" Load for MOST Alerts

  7. Alert if any data collection of metrics values stops unexpectedly  ·  completed

  8. Custom metrics to have their own individual data purging value

  9. Configure Data Purge by Server/Instance or at least by Server group.

  10. Should have feedback on missing index, its great know that I have a slow running query but some possible hints on how to improve them.  ·  declined

  11. Monitoring error (SQL Server data collection) - SAVE THE ERROR LOG  ·  completed

  12. Select different purge data ranges depening of what group a server belongs to.

  13. To display information on data and log space used in bytes for each database


  15. Add option(s) for manual purging of data (use case: removed instances, deleted databases)

  16. allow analysis graphs to update with realtime data without having to manually refresh them

  17. Is it possible to add one more filter with database name in the long running query in redgate monitoring tool

  18. In the email alert for custom notifications I would like to execute an ad-hoc query that shows me the results.

  19. Monitor database total space usage not by individual data files.

  20. How about a custom metric or alert to return data in character value as opposed to just numeric scalar or NULL

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