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724 results found
Monitor Azure SQL DWH
It'd be great to be able to monitor performance of queries on Azure SQL DWH, as there are a number of DMV's available to track usage. Also, the ability to see on the Dashboard what DWU level the Azure DWH instance is running on would raise value and awareness of the cost of it, at that point.
13 votes -
Don't bloat plan cache No. 2
I have ~15k variations of this query in my plan cache, each with varying handles and a varying number of INSERTs.
DECLARE @plans TABLE (planhandle varbinary(64) NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO @plans VALUES(0x06000b008697d33ae0e92c011c00000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
INSERT INTO @plans VALUES(0x06000b000ddbda05a03c83f01d00000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
INSERT INTO @plans VALUES(0x06000b00263e3902f0b1112b1900000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
INSERT INTO @plans VALUES(0x05000b009ee99729a0b9945b1600000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
INSERT INTO @plans VALUES(0x06000b0059af9b291063a6951900000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
INSERT INTO @plans VALUES(0x06000b0094ca3316501fee2c1600000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
INSERT INTO @plans VALUES(0x05000b0065c5a32880b2945b1600000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
SELECT planhandle ,
FROM @plans
OUTER APPLY sys.dmexecqueryplan(planhandle) AS queryplan_info4 votes -
Easily determine am/pm from the graphs.
Currently it isn't clear by looking at a graph if the times are AM or PM. It would be helpful if hovering included AM/PM as well as the left and rightmost times shown on the bottom of the graph. It is confusing and takes effort to determine if I"m looking at morning or night.
1 vote -
Keep from Locking Account When Registering Server with wrong password
The process of registering a server should try only once with a credential failure, looks like it keeps on trying and if you have typed in a wrong AD password it will lock your account.
5 votes -
Desktop notifications
Desktop notifications would have (at least) 2 advantages:
1) It would give much quicker access to the critical alert information than a regular alert email, since you could layout/format the notification with perfect flexibility (as opposed to default email client notifications which devote most of the real estate to the "from" address, and subject and body in plain text)
2) With a couple buttons, the notification could give immediate access to actions such as "clear" or "mark as read"
13 votes -
Select different purge data ranges depening of what group a server belongs to.
We have different data retention requirements depending on what server is being monitored, but currently only 1 purge setting is available which covers all servers. An example of what I'd like to see would be to select to purge data older than 14 days for production/critical servers and a much shorter retention of data for test/development servers. This would be controlled by what group a server was a member of.
30 votes -
auto refresh
I'd like the Analysis Graph to auto jump to present every 1 mintue
1 vote -
Sorting for columns in Host Machine Metrics
The OverViews page provide lots of useful information about our SQL servers including being able to see all of the disks on the host machines. However the order of the disk names seems random. Can we have sorting enabled in this section so we can sort by space used or Disk
4 votes -
Replace SERVER identifier with a hosts file friendly name
As the ALIAS feature isn't working consistently across all pages and, in particular, email alerts, the means to replace the name of a monitored server is needed.
E.g., if someone, not a DBA or person familiar with SQL Monitor, set up each server as an I.P. address, or an equally meaningless Rackspace device ID, it is unreasonable to assume that I.P. or RS device translation to named server, which in our case is a customer name+nature combo, is held in every recipient's brain, or that we should carry around a pocket-sized hosts file printout...
If a simple operation such as swapping an I.P. for a friendly name were in place, it would obviate LOSING ALL HISTORIC DATA INCLUDING BASELINE INFORMATION for any such server. Loss happens simply because we must now ADD another server, configure all its exceptions to the default rules, kill all the "overdue" red-alerts, etc., etc., etc.. What a pain! Done it once, and do not look forward to 39 more...
It seems that the "server identifier" should be decoupled by design from any machine identifier, thus, it would appear that a Swap Server Name and Host-Reference feature ought to be a quick fix. Hope the underlying data model supports that...
This will save, literally, hours and hours of unnecessary reconfiguration and alert clearing effort per server.
As mentioned above, preservation of baseline and historic data is of paramount importance, especially given the redesigned overview page and interactive charts - if we lose our history, the charts are rendered useless for quite some time.
As the ALIAS feature isn't working consistently across all pages and, in particular, email alerts, the means to replace the name of a monitored server is needed.
E.g., if someone, not a DBA or person familiar with SQL Monitor, set up each server as an I.P. address, or an equally meaningless Rackspace device ID, it is unreasonable to assume that I.P. or RS device translation to named server, which in our case is a customer name+nature combo, is held in every recipient's brain, or that we should carry around a pocket-sized hosts file printout...
If a simple operation such as…
3 votes -
Raise Free Space alerts on disks that are mounted, rather than simply drive letters/volumes
In our clustered environments, instances are given a small drive for mounting the larger data/log/etc volumes within them.
Whilst we always get a "disk full" warning on the mountpoint drives (subsequently disabled), there appears to be no ability to monitor the volumes that are mounted within, where we do care about free space.
I do see that metrics for IO, latency etc are done on a per volume (not drive letter) basis, so would be great if we could have consistency.12 votes -
Add "not started within X minutes" delay before SQL Agent status alert raised
In an unpredictable maintenance window environment, as in, SQL Monitor's abilities in the window setting arena are inadequate, there are a reasonable number of times when SQL Agent is restarted with good reason.
As alerts are tied to pagerduty, it's a one size fits all Alert at present, which isn't helpful.
If a "delay emitting Alert for X time periods" could be added to this Alert, the short-duration bounces will go un-alerted, which really helps on call personnel to avoid unnecessary awakenings for "it is of no matter" Alerts.
In my case, there are 24 recorded incidents of this Alert, absolutely none of which required DBA intervention. Most of these ended in under 10 minutes. All ended under 30 minutes.
A 3-stage low, medium, high, with override email address allocation AT EACH LEVEL, would be ideal. For low, I can nudge just the DBA Team, for Medium, if 10 minutes, I can nudge again, but for > 30 minutes, PagerDuty.
In an unpredictable maintenance window environment, as in, SQL Monitor's abilities in the window setting arena are inadequate, there are a reasonable number of times when SQL Agent is restarted with good reason.
As alerts are tied to pagerduty, it's a one size fits all Alert at present, which isn't helpful.
If a "delay emitting Alert for X time periods" could be added to this Alert, the short-duration bounces will go un-alerted, which really helps on call personnel to avoid unnecessary awakenings for "it is of no matter" Alerts.
In my case, there are 24 recorded incidents of this Alert,…
9 votes -
REDGATE Monitor e-mail alert body should give detail with deadlock victim spid and query
REDGATE Monitor e-mail alert body should give detail with deadlock victim spid and query
2 votes -
Overview screen show as a list
Show the overview screen as a list of servers. If you have a large number of servers to be monitored, there is no way to see all of them at once (other than zooming out of the screen). It defeats the purpose of monitoring if you can't see everything.
4 votes -
See disk percentage free/used to Machine overview page
It would be useful to see disk percentage free/used on the machine overview page next to the used / allocated column. This would give us a quick idea of how full the machine's disk is percentage-wise without having to do the math elsewhere.
17 votes -
Analysis Thresholds
One of the things I like about the free PAL tool, is that you can specify thresholds for each performance counter. Therefore, you can have a customizable red line which appears on your graph to easily tell you if your disk latencies are over 25ms or your free memory is less than 5% - for example.
I would like to see something similar on the Analysis screen on SQL Monitor. I would like to specify for each machine, SQL Server or Custom metric a warning threshold and a critical threshold. This makes it easier to troubleshoot performance issues as you can see at a glance if it's performing outside of acceptable boundaries.
I appreciate you can compare baselines and add additional metrics on top of the current metric you have graphed but that doesn't give you the immediacy that a threshold line gives you.One of the things I like about the free PAL tool, is that you can specify thresholds for each performance counter. Therefore, you can have a customizable red line which appears on your graph to easily tell you if your disk latencies are over 25ms or your free memory is less than 5% - for example.
I would like to see something similar on the Analysis screen on SQL Monitor. I would like to specify for each machine, SQL Server or Custom metric a warning threshold and a critical threshold. This makes it easier to troubleshoot performance issues as you…11 votes -
The "Output" area for Deadlock events should be resizable
When viewing a Deadlock event, you can go to the "Output" tab to get details on what T-SQL was running when the deadlock occured. However, that window is quite small, and is not resizable.
3 votes -
Get the proc name from a deadlock alert
The Alert gives objectId and databaseid but your average 'accidental DBA' doesn't know the command
select OBJECTNAME ( objectid [, database_id ] )
Perhaps somehow suggesting the command as context sensitive help?30 votes -
Reduce false positives due to log shipping / Mirroring
On secondary server for log shipping/mirroring false positives can be generated for overdue backups/databases unavailable. If these technologies are used for DR purposes then having the checks ignored is unsafe. It is trivial to filter these out with the below code and I'm sure there is something similar in place for Availability Group databases already.
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name NOT IN (SELECT secondarydatabase FROM msdb.dbo.logshippingsecondarydatabases UNION SELECT dbname(databaseid) FROM msdb.sys.databasemirroring WHERE mirroringrole_desc = 'MIRROR')18 votes -
Filter "Blocking Process" alert by User or Application or Database
We frequently get high-severity "Blocking process" alerts via email for a SSRS database that I'd like to ignore. We sometimes get so many alerts that the new SQL Monitor sends, "You've received more than 30 of these alerts in the past 24 hours so we're going to stop sending them for a while." Unfortunately the alerts caused by the SSRS database mean our Inbox is full of noise and we miss our important application database alerts.
Please add the ability to filter which User/Application/Database cause these alerts to be raised, similar to some other alerts that support Regular Expression filters.
14 votes -
add the table schema to alerts
On that alert (fragmented index), you see a table name. It would be helpful to see the schema to which that table belongs.
Medium Fragmented indexes
Raised on: XXXXXXXX > RedGateMonitor
Time raised: 26 Jun 2016 1:00 AM (UTC-04)
Database name: RedGateMonitorTotal number of indexes: 332
Indexes above fragmentation threshold: 3Indexes last checked: 26 Jun 2016 1:00 AM
Fragmented indexes:
Index Table name Fragmentation(%) No. of pages
ClusterSqlServerServerWaitsUnstableSamplesIdCollectionDate ClusterSqlServerServerWaitsUnstableSamples 96 1175
ClusterSqlServerSqlProcessUnstableSamplesIdCollectionDate ClusterSqlServerSqlProcessUnstableSamples 96 3288
ClusterSqlServerTopQueriesUnstableSamplesIdCollectionDate ClusterSqlServerTopQueriesUnstableSamples 99 17581 vote
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