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- Describe the goal you’re trying to accomplish, rather than a specific solution to get there
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724 results found
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication for login screen
MFA is rapidly becoming a security standard. Redgate provides a map of the entire companies estate - which would be interesting to an attacker, it would be good if security could be tightened on that login process.
23 votes -
Different email addresses for different thresholds
Although you can specify different thresholds for High, Medium and Low alerts, they all end up at the same email address or slack channel. It would be useful to be able to change this so highs went to one address, mediums to another etc.
31 votes -
pause particular alert for x number of days
pause particular alert for x number of days
1 vote -
Indicator that an active backup is ongoing on card
Have some kind of indicator an active backup/restore header is ongoing, card or icon pulsating, shaded etc. This is handy to see at a glance if too many backups are going at once.
3 votes -
Maintain Base Monitor Service Account between upgrades
Everytime you upgrade the base monitor (every 2 weeks), the service account that is configured to run the service gets reset to "Local System".
We have setup our system to run as a domain user to changing this everytime is painful.
The installer should respect the current user when upgrading.
3 votes -
Monitor Table Growth and get projections
It would be nice if in the Estate tab under disk usage, we could dig deeper and see table growth and projected growth over time.
19 votes -
have the ability to customize browser tab labels
Provide the ability to label browser tabs to indicate contents, such as "Host101 Disk Activity" or "Host102 Database Transactions" or "Host103 Disk Usage"
1 vote -
I would like to do some custom filters of 'Alerts raised or updated in the last:'.
I would like to do some custom filters of 'Alerts raised or updated in the last:'. AND also be able to do range filters for them eg 2am to 6pm.
We are 24/7 DBAs at a big bank in South Africa and we want to be able to see whats alerts came through our individual shifts.
1 vote -
Add the ability to report/analyize Index fragmentation
I would love to see the ability to see the Index Fragmention results in the report/anayize feature. I have been fighting index fragmention but cant really tell how much it has improved.
9 votes -
Command Line Install
I'd like command line installation to be an available option for SQL Monitor as I want to automate and script it, rather than having to do it manually
1 vote -
SQL Monitor Audit Trail
It would be nice to have an audit trail of changes in SQL Monitor. For example, if an alert is changed, a new instances is added/removed, or users are added or removed.
23 votes -
Monitor database total space usage not by individual data files.
I have many databases that we are monitoring for space which have multiple datafiles. Usually most the datafiles are full but at least 1 of the files is able to autogrow. Sometimes autogrow has reached its max limitation and sometimes we have turned it off once the file reached the largest size we will allow it. Our goal is to monitor so the database does not run out of space. We currently get alerts for the files that are full, we know some are full, we aren't worried about them, we still have 1 or 2 files we allow to grow and those are what we are worried about. Is there a way to turn off alerts just for the files we know are full and we don't want to monitor? Or is there a way to monitor database available space instead of on a file by file basis. I have attached a screenshot of what our database files layout typically is. So the first three files I don't want to get alerts on because I know I have 4 other files that can grow.
I have many databases that we are monitoring for space which have multiple datafiles. Usually most the datafiles are full but at least 1 of the files is able to autogrow. Sometimes autogrow has reached its max limitation and sometimes we have turned it off once the file reached the largest size we will allow it. Our goal is to monitor so the database does not run out of space. We currently get alerts for the files that are full, we know some are full, we aren't worried about them, we still have 1 or 2 files we allow to…
10 votes -
Configure Different Emails for alert levels
Allow for customization of emails for alerts at each alert level, so that I can send to different emails for each alert level.
So that I can send High alerts to one email address, medium alerts to another email address, etc…
60 votes -
see Lock Escalations/sec as available metric in analysis graph
The customizable analysis graph does not include the option to display Lock Escalations/Sec (\SQLServer:Access Methods\Table Lock Escalations/sec). I like to compare this to baseline to regression-test releases. In conjunction with waits\locks, it can also warn the user that an index is no longer being used (as would happen if Entity Framework began searching a varchar column for an nvarchar value).
1 vote -
See data in local server time
I'd like to all the data from a particular server in local server time instead of my time
2 votes -
Remove single AG replica
Currently when adding an Availability Group it automatically discover and add all replicas which is great.
However sometime we might not want all replicas to be monitored, in our case it's because of limited bandwidth on a certain asynchronous node. While it is indeed possible to "Pause Monitoring" on that node, it would be nice to be able to delete it completely (using some kind of exception list so it's not re-added automatically).
5 votes -
Do not uncheck alarms after entering a comment
Scenario: Let's say there are 15 related alarms in the alarm inbox on which you want to add a common comment and then clear.
Currently you would check the 15 alarms, click on the comment button and enter your comment. Unfortunately at that point it would uncheck all the selected alarms and you would need to check them again to clear them.
After entering a comment I would like the current selection to stay checked.
5 votes -
update alerts
When you go into an alert, would it be possible to have a button that can fire off and get the current value as it is now. For example, the attached was raised but may not get picked up for whatever reason until the Monday, if I could refresh the values that would be great as an index main task may have happened between the alert and when I get to it. Hope that makes sense?
2 votes -
Manage Scheduled SQL Monitor Reports from one overview page.
It's easy to set up a new report and schedule for SQL monitor reports. But once schedules are created it's difficult to manage them.
Have an overview page that would allow you to see all that has been scheduled .... giving options to:
1) Delete individual schedule (e.g. following server decommission or server no longer monitored).
2) Edit individual report schedule ... e.g. change time / frequency and for a particular type of report change the target server for that report ... i.e server replaced, being able to move report from reporting on original server report created for to replacement server.
3) being able to duplicate the report and run against additional / different serverIt's easy to set up a new report and schedule for SQL monitor reports. But once schedules are created it's difficult to manage them.
Have an overview page that would allow you to see all that has been scheduled .... giving options to:
1) Delete individual schedule (e.g. following server decommission or server no longer monitored).
2) Edit individual report schedule ... e.g. change time / frequency and for a particular type of report change the target server for that report ... i.e server replaced, being able to move report from reporting on original server report created for to replacement…1 vote -
Utilize in SQL Monitor Analysis or Reports pages any SQL Server counter available in PERFMON.
For instance BRENT OZAR has an excellent method to diagnose memory pressure. The counter in use is SQLServer: Memory Manager – Memory Grants Pending which is not available.
If Memory Grants Pending is averaging over 0, queries can’t even start because they can’t get enough memory. You may have queries that have incorrect memory grants, or you may just desperately need more RAM.
30 votes
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