Only receive emails for the most important alerts
CONTEXT: I review alerts raised by SQL Monitor in order to stay on top of my server activity, and I also have alert emails enabled in order to respond quickly to issues.
PROBLEM: I only want to receive emails for issues that require immedate action or are otherwise noteworthy. I don't want to change the alert thresholds because for my triage, the "lower-priority" alerts are still interesting - but they shouldn't be sent as emails.
• Send emails by alert priority - e.g. medium and high only
• Alter the default alert behaviour to only send emails for high-priority alert types
• Send emails for "new" alerts - such as a long-running query that hasn't been encountered before - but don't email about repeat offenders
• implement an alternative triage view that lists significant events that happened on my servers independently of alerts getting raised - this way we can set higher alert thresholds without losing information.
What do you think about these solutions? Got another idea? Let us know in the comments!

We have released version 9.0.10 of SQL Monitor which includes the ability to choose to receive notifications for only high level alerts, or only high and medium alerts (or the default of all severities) globally.
We realise this is long overdue, as we’ve struggled to provide one solution to the different problems contained in this suggestion. As such, we’ve decided to break this down into different problems we can look to address.
We believe this release delivers the solution to the problem originally suggested, to be able to send email notifications for alerts with a Medium or High priority, so will mark this as completed. However, please do raise new suggestions for anything you feel hasn’t been addressed by this release, so we are able to consider each one as we continue to improve SQL Monitor.
Thank you for your patience,
SQL Monitor Development Team
SQL Monitor Development Team commented
You will find this solution in Configuration > Notification settings
Luke L commented
I agree this is long overdue. Can we get a status update on where these changes are? Are they coming ever? We're due for renew soon and I'm starting to plant seeds to move towards Solarwinds or spotlight mainly because I can't get paged when I need to based on the all or nothing alerting rules. I really like RG's products but this has burned me more times than I can count. Also, Pager-duty is not an option for my company since they were hacked a few years back (
-Luke. -
Alex Riggs commented
Please please let us turn off emails for low alerts but still get them in redgate.
This was requested 3 years ago and started nearly a year ago. Even stated it was a high priority 2 years ago.. This feature is very important to me!
Anonymous commented
Is it also possible to have custom threshold range for certain Alert types like Process Utilization: For High Alert, if I say greater than 75% for 30 sec; It would be good if I can customize this for Medium (Let say 60% or greater for 1 minute) and Low Alerts (Let say 50% or greater for 5 minute)...
Luke L commented
I agree this is an important feature. Allowing lower level alerts to be sent to one team and a Medium/high alerts to an SMS/Pager email address would be very beneficial as others have said.
-Luke. -
Kevin Chang commented
Because the option "Use multiple alert thresholds" doesn't have a multiple e-mail notification option, I have to disable this option for a number of alerts and only use the High alert, in this case I will miss all those Medium and Low alerts. I hope this option will be implemented soon, especially when this is more than a nice to have since 2011.
Anonymous commented
Should be able to say send an email after X alerts. So for jobs that fail on occasion do not send an alert but if it fails 4 times in a row we need to do something.
Jason Hannas commented
It's hard to believe this isn't available yet. I just want to trigger an email when a "HIGH" alert is raised...suppress emails on Medium or Low. Otherwise the emails are fairly useless.
Tim Regan-Morris commented
Any update on this feature?
BlueCollarCritic commented
@Daniel Rothig
I just wanted to let you know that as a custom report developer I can fully appreciate and sympathize how a seemingly straightforward change can turn out to be far more challenging than you'd think. Within the world of custom reporting users often are unable to grasp why there is sometimes no simple way (if at all) to recreate within a custom report, a peace-meal report they’ve built in Excel (or similar application) . A peace-meal report is where a user has taken a piece from one report and a piece from another and done that many times from 2 or more unrelated reports to create single report. Since they are able to do this easily with copy& paste in Excel they are unable to understand why the same cannot be easily automated in a custom report and/or at least not in an efficient report.
Thanks for letting us know that this is something that RedGate is working towards.
I’m sorry that we’ve not progressed this one as fast as we’d have liked. We’re aware of the importance of email management, and I realise that the workarounds suggested here are far from perfect. Despite the design and engineering challenges of this area, it’s one that is a high priority for us to address.
Anonymous commented
I'm tired of getting spammed.
I'm tired of setting up email client rules.I want to be alerted, on my phone, when something bad happens to a production server, as an out of the box feature.
i.e. - send me an email for high level alerts that occur to my Production server group. Nothing else.
Come on guys.
Thanks for your suggestion John.
John Stafford commented
This would definitey by useful - low priority might just go to me as info, but medium and high to the main support desk to deal with.
Ben commented
Would really like to see this implemented, be much nicer to configure this within sql monitor rather than having to use another product. I would also really like the ability to send email alerts only when an alert has been recorded a predefined number of times in a given time frame. (80 deadlocks within 3 mins - for example)
Thanks for your suggestions Phil.
We do support some of this but only via PagerDuty at the moment unfortunately.
Priya -
Phil Grayson commented
Allow each alert threshold to have different alerts types or operators. For example minor alerts would send to a monitor mailbox, medium to a group and high to an email to SMS service.
Alert groups or operators would allow DBA's the centrally change the email addresses of operators or mailboxes.
Thanks for your feedback. This feature is in plan ... though at this stage we are not sure when exactly it will be implemented.
On a side note, if you are PagerDuty user then you SQL Monitor and PagerDuty integration allows this functionality.
inarius commented
This is my number one feature request. I need more granularity for email alerting because this products best selling point is the ability to be notified of certain critical issues. I am a DBA of many server installations, yet this product becomes more cumbersome and less useful with each license I purchase...
Thanks a lot Daniel for the suggestion.