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717 results found

  1. Is it possible to have long running queries order by Execution time desc ?

    Is it possible to have long running queries order by Execution time desc ?

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  2. Include instance-specific name (@@SERVERNAME) on alert mails

    The alert mails for a SQL Server cluster contain the cluster name but not the actual instance virtual name. It would be nice if the mails contained the actual virtual name (as given by "select @@servername") so that the email contained all the details needed to connect to an alerting instance.

    My cluster name (i.e. CLUST01) is a different IP than my virtual names (i.e. VIRTUALSQL01), which means that I can't connect to my "FOO" instance by "CLUST01\FOO" as the alert email seems to indicate. Instead I need to connect via "VIRTUALSQL01\FOO" which is not present anywhere in the alert…

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  3. Monitor for unavailable disks

    I'd like to see SQL monitor check for disks that were previously available but are no longer. Example: I have a machine were a disk is online, something goes wrong and the disk goes offline. I would like SQL monitor to alert me to this. If the disk contains database files I would get a database unavailable alert, however if it is a drive that holds backups there would be no notification until the backups start failing.

    This would have to be setup differently for clusters where a disk may exist on any node in the cluster due to failovers.

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  4. Blocking process Hover Information should show Total Blocking Duration

    The (Restored in 8.0.6) hover over the Alert List's "Last Updated" column shows the duration of the Alert itself, NOT the total time involved.

    Unless you memorize the configuration of this Alert for each of its 3 severity levels, and assume they never change, and never vary by server, nor by database... you must sill open each event to see the "Total blocking duration for all descendants" published under the "Details" tab, then add that to the event duration, for which you must now do time subtraction as there is no "Duration" on the Status line... (another omission).

    Having to…

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  5. SQL Monitor acquiring shared locks on objects

    Is it necessary for SQL Monitor to acquire shared locks on objects when monitoring a SQL instance?

    We experienced a deadlock on our system when SQL Monitor was trying to query a system table msdb..backupset at the same time that on of our maintenance plans was deleting backup history as one of its sub tasks.

    It would be nice if we could either set the isolation level per alert or if you guys would amend your code to use nolock query hints?

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  6. domain

    Have the Redgate Monitor application support multiple AD domains for users. I have over 4 domains with users that want access to the application.

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  7. Clone a report and change the server name globally within it

    I have crafted a report for my servers. I understand there's some behind-the-scenes scripting I can do to replicate a report, but the GUI could provide a "Clone Report" option, allowing me to change the server name reference on all the widgets. Sure would make deploying one extra server easy.

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  8. be able to disable alerts based on Job outcome: Succeeded

    I would like to be able to disable alerts based on Job outcome: Succeeded

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  9. Tag alerts for reporting

    I would love to be able to create custom tags for alerts so I can later report on them. For example, we have process that run regularly that causes blocking sessions here and there. I would love to be able to add multiple tags to an alert that later I can run reports to see if those process have a regular pattern of interrupting business.

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  10. In reports display results of a query from our own data (multiple columns)

    We have a table in our administration database that contains usefull information for our management. This consists of multiple columns. It would be very helpfull to run a query in a tile in a report where the results of that query can be displayed. A bit like the long running query results in the reports but then with our own data from the administration database.

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  11. Exclude tempdb/ReportServerTempDB from Alerts at a GLOBAL level, WITH EASE

    It makes no sense for there to be Alert configuration settings for tempdb for Consistency Checks, Backups, and any other irrelevance.

    If the ONLY reason for the existence of SSRS databases is because of Microsoft's idiotic requirement for SSRS to actually be configured in 2014 before permitting an in-place upgrade to 2016, there is no ACTUAL reason why one would care two hoots about the state of either SSRS DB on ANY instance affected by this "demand". OK, I have just 21 instances to drill down to SHUT UP ABOUT SSRS DATABASES!

    Please provide a better way to manage SYSTEM…

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  12. I would like to give aliases to queries for easy recognition

    I would like to be able to give an alias for a query text and have that alias show up on the top 10 list.

    This to enable easy recognition of "known offenders". We have a lot of queries that are almost identical and drilling into each of them to check the where clauses to determine the actual query is getting tiresome.

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  13. Retain user last selection and update current default time options to be more flexible

    On the Overviews of an instance Server/Host Metrics the default selections are always the last 24 hours as well as having all 4 boxes ( CPU, Memory, Disk I/o and Waits) select.

    I am constantly having to uncheck the Memory box and most individuals look at the last 6 hours or would prefer ( 1 or 3 hours) and have to change from the default last 24 hours to last 6 hours each time navigating to this page. I would like to be able to have SQL Monitor remember my last setting(s) or at least be able to change the…

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  14. Long Running Query Alert - Update Process Fragment Info for Agent Jobs with SSIS Packages

    One of the most common alerts that we get is the Long Running Query alert. However, when the query is due to a package executing from an agent job, there is little to no information about what is running long. The attached image is an excerpt from one of the alerts we got this morning. We can tell it is from an executing job, because of the SSISDB database specified. But beyond that, we are left trying to figure out which job/package was the culprit by digging through execution logs and schedules, then trying to match execution lengths with where…

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  15. open alert link in new tab or window

    When viewing an alert within the side-bar on the Overview page, clicking on the 'Go to the full details' arrow redirects the page to the intended alert. You have to then click back to see the overview page again.

    It would be great for the ability to be able to open click through links on a new tab or window instead of the same window to prevent navigating away from the overview page.

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  16. Offer SQL Monitor as a Saas model

    Would be great to offer sql monitor on a Saas model. $50 per server per month for example.
    Purchasing software upfront is expensive for small/medium companies. This also offers more flexibility to add and remove licenses in line with how companies add and remove new servers.

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  17. exclude all of my system databases from the log backup alert

    I would like to exclude all of my system databases from the log backup overdue alert as I only perform daily full backups on them. At the moment I have to go into the Config settings and change the alert to disabled for those DBs on each servers.

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    Daniel Rothig responded

    When we’ll be improving the alert configuration UI, we’ll keep that use case in mind

  18. Use base monitor service user account to authenticate with vcenter

    When monitoring a vcenter deployment, it would be nice if the base monitor service could just delegate the credentials it is running as rather than entering them in the username and password boxes inside sql monitor.

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  19. Add capability to export Alert information in csv, xml format for analysis

    It would be good to be able to export Alert information for downstream analysis of frequency and timings for Alerts. E.g. Deadlocks over a period of several weeks - allows to identify hotspots and trends for certain Alerts

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    Daniel Rothig responded

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    Hi, is frequency analysis something that we could offer in-app, or would you specifically prefer to export the data first?

  20. documentation

    Add Server documentation such as:

    • app owners,
    • support type (24/7, next business day),
    • escalation contacts (clients to contact for unscheduled maintenances),
    • primary purpose (main application using the server, business function)
    • Add costum fields for server notes or setup instructions
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