Hide Nonrelevant Metrics
The addition of Azure metrics has made the selection of metrics within the analysis page less efficient; as there are now twice as many items to pick from, many with the exact same name. In my environment, there are no Azure databases being monitored, so these metrics only serve as a clutter. It would be nice if metrics were hidden that aren't applicable to the list of monitoring SQL Servers.

Howard Stredwick commented
Thanks for the feedback. Further evidence that this screen needs work. I'll pass it on to the team.
kevriley commented
Agree with this. There is also now the RDS ones too.
I don't monitor any Azure, MI, RDS, AG or clusters - only 4 of the 18 metric groups are relevant and I often find it too easy to scroll too much and choose the wrong metric -
Phil commented
With azure and then the addition vmware, it's even worse now. Increasing the height of the selector makes the scrollbar more usable, but why should I ever have to see metrics on that list that are not being recorded?
Thanks for your suggestion Brett,
We agree that the existing metric selector is not scaling well to the introduction of more metrics. I've raised an enhancement so we can try to address this soon, and will update this when we have a solution so we can get your early feedback.