See more detail on Failed Agent Jobs
Present the detailed Step error message for Agent Job Failures. Currently shows the Job message, but not the error from the step that actually failed. This requires the user to open SSMS and drill down to find what caused the failure, instead of getting a head start from SQL Monitor.

Thanks for the suggestion and votes. This was completed in version 7.1.2. I will close this – please let us know if you believe there are further improvements we could make.
Kind regards,
SQL Monitor Development Team
Blaž Dakskobler commented
This is similar than ... merge the two suggestions?
Also connected -
Asaf commented
Hi Redgate,
Is there a plan to add this info to the alert?
It is really useful to see error from the alert email.
and somewhat straighforward requirement for job failure alert..Thank you
Asaf -
Thomas Franz commented
you would get Bonus points for adding a file link to the actual (!) log file (if specified in the failed job step (msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.output_file_name)). This could necessary, because the message on the failed job will be truncated after 4k (?) chars and when not the whole procedure fails, but only something near the end of the script, the real error would be truncated ...
Be aware that msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps.output_file_name could contain several strange "variables" (see Ola's Maintenance solution for code examples) as:
Because $(ESCAPE_SQUOTE(SQLLOGDIR)) refers usually to somethink as e:\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\ you have furthermore to replace the e:\ by an UNC-Path so that I could click or copy it.
The full link could be something as \\prod_db\e$\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\DatabaseBackup_0xF36B64EEC4D845D5B3A35B61851CA29D_1_20161107_110600.txt