Make comments apply to alert types, rather than individual incidents
CONTEXT: We use comments to document the root cause of alerts we encounter
PROBLEM: When alerts repeat, recovering the comments is a pain - they only apply to individual occurences, so don't get surfaced when they issues re-occur.
- Show historical comments in alerts
- When creating alerts, allow us to choose whether this applies to the whole alert type
Comments should also show when configuring alerts

As of v14.0.23 (September 4th)
We have Redesigned of the 'Alert History' and 'Occurrences' tab in the alert details page. This combines them into one tab and allows for easier access to previous comments.
Sherry Lehr commented
I would like to see a comment field on every configuration setting page. This would be at the global level and for everything below the global level. I would like to use that comment field to document why I have decided to set something the way I did. For example, why do I have the disk space threshold different on server XYZ.
Mike Micale commented
We would the ability to change/modify the alert description information so that emails sent to a phone can be more descriptiive to our error
Thanks Andrew. Will merge these.
Andrew Hodge commented
This is the same as the Add knowledge database suggestion. Perhaps these could be merged
Andrew Hodge commented
One of the features of SQL response that has been lost in sql monitor that my team and I found useful was the ability to see the comments placed against alerts of the same type on that server. ie If on day 1 we have a long running job alert which we add a comment to explaining the reason and then clear the alert, if on day5 5 the same alert occurs we aren't able to see previous occurances or the comments if they have been cleared.
If the alert occurs again I would want to see the comments of previous alerts to aid my team and I in debugging the problem. At the moment I feel the comment information is not worthwhile as it is not visible at a later time
Priya Sinha commented
Thanks Michael for the post. Yes, I agree with you that current implementation of comments is not ideal solution for this problem. Ideally, we should come up with something different.
Michael Pettersson commented
Well if the comment/s is deleted as part of the purging process then it won't work will it. So if one wanted this kind of functionality it would have to be implemented in another way. How I don't now thats your departement. What I'm looking for is a way to find a solution to problems you fixed before by picking up a notation you made earlier about the same problem. That way you don't have to invent the "wheel" everytime.
Priya Sinha commented
Thanks Michael. If I understand correctly ... you want search functionality for comment.
Currently, comment gets deleted as part of the alert. So how would you like this to work w.r.t to purge?