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212 results found

  1. Suppress performance-related alerts during maintenance periods

    CONTEXT: I expect my system to slow down during routine maintenance tasks, which often leads to false postitives for performance-related alerts (long-running queries, High CPU...) in SQL Monitor.

    PROBLEM: While I could configure a maintenance window where alerts don't get raised, this would also suppress operational alerts (e.g. Machine unreachable, Job failed) - these are still relevant while maintenance is in progress

    • Allow to configure maintenance times for individual alerts
    • Change maintenance window behaviour so that operational alerts are still active during maintenance

    What do you think about these solutions? Got another idea? Let us know…

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    completed  ·  Neil Turner responded

    Thanks for this suggestion. SQL Monitor 10 now allows teams to suppress alerts, or just their notifications, over certain periods using alert suppression windows. Please see What’s New in SQL Monitor 10 for more details (

    We hope this meets requirements and will mark it as completed. Please raise further suggestions for any improvements you would like to see.


    SQL Monitor product team

  2. Only receive emails for the most important alerts

    CONTEXT: I review alerts raised by SQL Monitor in order to stay on top of my server activity, and I also have alert emails enabled in order to respond quickly to issues.

    PROBLEM: I only want to receive emails for issues that require immedate action or are otherwise noteworthy. I don't want to change the alert thresholds because for my triage, the "lower-priority" alerts are still interesting - but they shouldn't be sent as emails.

    • Send emails by alert priority - e.g. medium and high only
    • Alter the default alert behaviour to only send emails for…

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    We have released version 9.0.10 of SQL Monitor which includes the ability to choose to receive notifications for only high level alerts, or only high and medium alerts (or the default of all severities) globally.

    We realise this is long overdue, as we’ve struggled to provide one solution to the different problems contained in this suggestion. As such, we’ve decided to break this down into different problems we can look to address.

    We believe this release delivers the solution to the problem originally suggested, to be able to send email notifications for alerts with a Medium or High priority, so will mark this as completed. However, please do raise new suggestions for anything you feel hasn’t been addressed by this release, so we are able to consider each one as we continue to improve SQL Monitor.

    Thank you for your patience,
    SQL Monitor Development Team

  3. Single sign on

    Make it so that I can add an AD group to the settings, then enable AD Auth in IIS and not be prompted for username and password.
    LDAP settings should not be needed.

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    completed  ·  Daniel Rothig responded

    Support (at) can provide you with instructions how to disable SQL Monitor authentication in order to fall back on IIS authentication, which supports Single Sign On.

  4. Raise Alert level based on time

    Currently all alert levels are based on the numbers allocated and the alert is simply triggered at that level,

    Some of the values I'm tracking sit at 0 quite often, the problem is less the number but the length of time that it remains at that number

    So after 5 collections i would like to raise a low alert, after 10 collections a medium and after 20 a high alert

    Thanks for your time and concideration


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  5. A report on the front page (Overviews) of the Sql service status

    A report on the front page (Overviews) of the Sql service status (Datbase Engine,Agnet,Reporting Service And etc )


    This Report includes Columns For Example : ServiceName,Startup-Type ,Status-Desc And Last Startup Time

    Tnx From Redgate Company Team

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    completed  ·  Daniel Rothig responded

    Unhealthy service statuses raise alerts in SQL Monitor, which will be surfaced on the front page (future work on the front page will make this more parseable in SQL Monitor 5.2)

  6. A version support page

    Add a page on your site to list the current versions (liked to release notes) and all previous versions so we can easily see how many versions back we are or if we are at the latest one.

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  7. Description of Full scans/sec

    In Explanation it says
    "a lot of index scans may indicate missing indexes"

    I guess it should be "full scans" ?

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  8. Check both full and differential backups for the overdue alert

    As it is, the backup overdue alert will not check if a differential backup has been run.

    Example: We have a database with simple recovery model that is set up to make a FULL backup every week, and a differential backup every day. If the alert level is set to "more than one day" then it will be triggered even though the diff backup has been run, indicating that it is not overdue.

    We could set (and do that) the alert level to check only for "more than 7 days", but then we will not be notified if a diff…

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Thank you for this suggestion, and apologies for not updating sooner.

    We believe this was solved when the Differential Backup Overdue alert was added in Version 8.0.7 (May 2018) . This alert is raised when entries for a differential or full backup in the [msdb].[dbo].[backupset] system table are older than the time you specify.

    We will mark this as completed but please do let us know if you have any further feedback.

    The SQL Monitor Development Team

  9. Summary alert page ordered by active alert type with drill down to detail

    In the previous red gate alert program it had a summary by each alert giving a quantity for the selected monitor period and one could then drill down to the detail for that specific alert in chronological order starting with the most recent - found this most useful - also gave a simple measure of occurrences over time which one could use to track the effectiveness of efficiency projects

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Thanks for the suggestion – we believe this has been addressed with the Grouped Alerts released in Version 7.1.18.

    We will close this suggestion, but please do raise another suggestion if you have other specific improvements you’d like to see.

    Kind regards,
    SQL Monitor Development Team

  10. increase or decrease the fill factor

    Dear team.

    I see some explanation on the sql Monitor live Demo tool which seems incorrect:

    Check also: The fill factor percentage of the tables in your indexes. If enough space for index expansion is available on data pages, the potential for page splits is reduced. The default fill factor value setting is 0 (100%), which means that pages are filled to capacity. If you increase the fill factor, additional free space is left in the indexes after they are rebuilt or reorganized, helping to prevent excessive page splitting

    increase should be decrease: the higher the fill factor the less…

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  11. Overlap

    To analyse a trend over a period of say 30 days using one continuous line graph is difficult. If we could see a line for day 1, overlapped with day2, day 3 etc over the same 24 hour period then its easier to see trends and patterns e.g. processing time increases at 1pm everyday


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  12. Sort filter for manage server screen.

    We have many development and test servers we want in our server list but not fully monitored. They were added to Monitoring after the production boxes, so they are on top of the list.

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    completed  ·  Daniel Rothig responded

    You can use Groups to create filtered views of the Global Overview screen – improvements to that screen will mean that you won’t need to use the Manage Servers screen to inspect your system in the future.

  13. Allow filtering out certain types of wait statistics (e.g. to remove benign ones)

    As the title says. See Paul Randal's query for an example:
    Give us the option to control exactly which types are filtered out of results.

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    completed  ·  Daniel Rothig responded

    These are specified in the SQL Monitor database, as an entry in [settings].[KeyValuePairs]

  14. Use extended events for deadlock "tracing" instead of a trace flag

    If the SQL Server version is high enough, using extended events to capture deadlock information would be preferred to using a trace flag.

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  15. Allow users to specify the time period for the top 10 expensive queries

    We are trying to use the top 10 expensive queries feature on the overview page to find out what is running at a certain time when we see CPU spikes.

    This would be much easier if as well as a drop-down to select queries for the last x time units, a user could instead specify a date range of their own choosing

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  16. Alert when SQL Monitor is having a problem.

    We have the SQL Monitor database located on a different server from the Base and Web Service. We had an instance where the SQL Server hosting the SQL Monitor database went down. When that server went down it failed to send us an alerts and we didn't know that SQL Monitor was having no problems as it wasn't sending out any email alerts to notify us that it couldn't connect to it's database. A nice fix would be to have SQL Monitor send an alert to notify us that it can't do it's job.

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    completed  ·  Neil Turner responded

    This can be set-up using the 'Send base monitor error emails to' field within the Email notification settings (see attached). SQL Monitor will send error emails to this email address if a base monitor experiences an error.

  17. provide a timeout setting on SQL Managed servers tab.

    Hi there, We have a few sites that are offsite from our main building. The line speeds are not very good and therefore we get timeouts on our connections under managed servers. If you can maybe provide a setting to allow a bigger timout here this will help quite a lot.

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    completed  ·  Daniel Rothig responded

    Good news, this already exists. In the “edit credentials” dialogue, there is an “edit connection properties” link that gives you a host of options, including the time out (which is 15s by default)

  18. Add Disk Used Percentage to the Analysis screen.

    The Disk Used metric on the Analysis screen is great for tracking how much disk space is being used but it would be more useful if this figure was a percentage so you could tell how close to capacity the disk is.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Thank you for this suggestion. Disk Used % was subsequently added to the Analysis page.

    Additionally we have now added a new Estate tab which includes an overview of the disk space used across the estate with a projection of how it will grow in the coming year. You can try this out by updating to the latest version 8.0.13 (it was released in version 8.0.10), or by viewing the online demo at

    We will now close this suggestion but please do raise another suggestion or contact us if you feel further improvements would be particularly helpful to you.

    Kind regards,
    SQL Monitor Development Team

  19. 14 votes

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  20. Long-running query alert - add an option to exclude queries based on the USER running it

    This alert already has the options to exclude queries (via RegEx) based on the process name or SQL commands/objects used. I miss a similar option for excluding queries based on the user running the query.

    An example: let's say you have a job that runs SSIS job steps using a proxy->credential->dedicated domain user. The SSIS packages run loads of SQL queries, some taking a long time - but that might be expected and OK (let's say the job is a nightly ETL process for a DW). Without excluding queries based on that user (simple but effective!) you could get a…

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