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212 results found

  1. "CLEARED" alerts button should be renamed to "CLEAR".

    On the alerts screen, there is an option to select alerts. If you want to clear the alerts selected you hit the button labeled "CLEARED".

    Having the button marked "CLEARED" is confusing because it implies that the button is a filter rather than an action. It should be labeled "CLEAR" so you know you are performing an action.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Thanks for this suggestion.

    We agree the labels were confusing so this was fixed in version 8.0.2 in March (apologies for delay in updating) when the new inbox was released. The button now reads ‘Clear’ as you suggested.

    Thanks again,
    SQL Monitor Development Team

  2. SQL Monitor 5.2.5 upgrade dashboard server/SQL Server memory

    Upon upgrading from 5,1 to 5.2.5 the new Global Dashboard no longer shows machine memory vs. memory being consumed by SQL Server. Why was this removed? This can be critical to see if SQL Server or any other process is using up all of the servers memory.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Thanks for this suggestion. Apologies for not closing this sooner as it was completed a long time ago; we did agree that we should show machine memory vs. SQL Server memory and this is shown on the Server Overview memory chart.

    SQL Monitor Development Team

  3. Navigation for "rewind time" shouldn't hide navigation buttons

    The navigation controls for "rewind time" autohide when actively using this feature. Please consider enabling until "live" is chosen again to simplify operation to move back and forth in time increments.

    Issue submitting first time. if duplicate please close.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Closing this because the v6 server overviews no longer have this particular time control so hopefully this bug is no longer relevant.

  4. On the main dashboard please maintain a consistent ordering.

    Dashboard element sorting should be fixed preferably in alphabetical order. The whole idea of a dashboard should be to provide an at a glance view of the state of your server set. When you change the order from servername when all is green to some other order because something has triggered an alert on a server I have to spend extra time figuring out which server has an issue because the sort order has changed.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Version 6.0.11 has now been released and amongst the enhancements is the ability to fix the servers in alphabetical order (Oder by: Name).

    If you have any feedback, email

    SQL Monitor Development Team

  5. Alert History on new Overview - Don't show Cleared Alerts

    The slide-out Alert pane is useful on the Overview IF, and ONLY IF, under normal circumstances we want to see NON-cleared Alerts, like the default filter on the Alerts page itself.

    Please make this pane behave like the Alert page's filter, and allow us to re-filter, to include cleared if we want to. But at the very least allow us to set a default filter (in my case NON-cleared).


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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Hi, thanks for the suggestion. The version 6.0.10 release added the ability to show/hide cleared and ended alerts from the timeline and alert sidebar on server overviews. We intend to add this to the global dashboard soon. Hopefully this solves the issue.

  6. Push 5.2 Alias down to Analysis and beyond

    The write-up about the 5.2 Alias feature waxes almost lyrical about how much we would like it...

    Until you open the Analysis page and see the old names - in my case unintelligible I.P. addresses. Sad, very sad...

    Please make Aliases utterly pervasive, as in Analysis, Configuration => Monitored Servers (I.P. list), emails (just to make sure they're not overlooked).

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    I’m closing this suggestion because the server aliases were fixed in v5.2.2.

    However, there is currently no way to alias cluster/machine names, so if this is important, please do raise this as a suggestion as we could look to address that if there is demand

  7. Multiple group select on new Global Dashboard version 5.2

    As an administrator, I want to be able to select one or more groups for displaying on the new global dashboard (added in version 5.2). Now you see all groups or one group.

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  8. Show deadlock alerts using the deadlock graph

    Display deadlocks alerts in a more graphical and easier to understand way.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Thanks for this suggestion. Version 8.0.2 uses extended events to display graphs for the deadlocks.

    We will close this suggestion, but please do add another suggestion if there are further improvements you would like to see.

    Kind regards,
    SQL Monitor Development Team

  9. Receive an alert for the process that is blocking not the process being blocked.

    We recently upgraded our SQL Monitor to version 5.1 and it appears there has been a change in the Blocking process metric. Before the upgrade we received an alert about a process that was blocking and after the upgrade it appears we receive an alert for each of the processes being blocked. We have set the threshold for 90 seconds and if there are three processes that are 30 seconds that total the 90 seconds, we receive an alert. However we don’t want to receive an alert for the 30 second blocked processes. Is there a way we can understand…

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  10. Bring back the ability to list fragments of T-SQL to reduce Blocking Process alerts, please

    By FAR the largest number of abject NUISANCE Blocking Process alerts I get across 17 servers is due to a simple "How is fragmentation going?" query from a 3rd party product (Idera Defrag Manager).

    Looks like this:

    use [DBName] declare @indexId int declare @dbId int declare @tblId int declare @partitionId int set @partitionId = 0 select @dbId = ISNULL(DBID(),-1) if @dbId=-1 RAISERROR( N'Database does not exist or permission denied: %s', 16, 1, '[DBName]' ) else begin select @tblId = ISNULL(OBJECTID('[DBName].[dbo].[TableName]') ,-1) if @tblId=-1 RAISERROR( N'Table does not exist or permission denied: %s', 16, 1, '[DBName].[dbo].[TableName]' ) else begin…

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Version 6.0.16 has now been released and this includes the ability to add regular expression filters to blocking process alerts. We hope this completes your suggestion.

    Thanks, SQL Monitor Team

  11. Add "Re-send Email" for an Alert

    Some emails find black holes. Need option in the "Actions" dropdown to re-send an Alert email. Please pop-up the addressee dialog so we can direct/redirect to recipient list and add a custom subject to help us segregate the email into an email thread for discussion/attention.

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  12. Custom reports against alerts, queries and metrics

    CONTEXT: We want to see the bigger picture arising from the data presented in SQL Monitor.

    PROBLEM: Currently you can't pull together a report in the SQL Monitor UI, and the monitoring database is not particularly accessible. We need reports against:
    - The metrics shown in the analysis graph
    - The top queries and waits
    - The alerts raised over time
    - Server configuration and SLA

    - Provide reporting scripts against the monitoring database
    - Privide a BI interface against the monitoring database
    - Priovide richer data-export functionality in the UI
    - Provide a report designer in the…

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  13. When using Windows authentication I want the read-only account/group option.

    I like the windows authentication but it doesn't have the read-only option. I would like to be able to add users and AD groups where I can limit the servers, but also make the data read-only, just like the options when not using Windows Authentication.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Apologies for not updating the status of this suggestion. We have supported this since version 6.0.17. When adding an AD user or group, you can now choose whether that user should be a standard or read only user (or an administrator). So you can do this, and can also choose the permission level for each individual user, rather than having to define it for the system as a whole.

    Thanks for your patience,
    SQL Monitor Development Team

  14. Use the Base Monitor Service account to query Active Directory when using AD Credentials

    We are using a Managed Service Account to run SQL Monitor so we don't have to manage passwords. However we still need to have a regular domain account to query AD because there is no option other than to specify a username and password.

    What would be great is to have an option to use the base monitor service account to query AD instead of having to specify a username and password.

    This would work in a similar way to what already exists when setting up credentials for the server you monitor, where you can choose to connect to the…

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  15. Monitor SQL Server 2014 failover clusters with Cluster Shared Volumes

    There is currently some trouble with monitoring a windows failover cluster with CSV - specifically, the error log is unreachable because base monitor apparently connects to the wrong network name to access files.

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    As mentioned in the comments, this was completed in v5.2.7
    (relevant issue was SRP-10451: Cannot retrieve log files for users who monitor SQL Server installed on a clustered shared volume).

    Apologies for not updating this at the time.

    SQL Monitor Development Team

  16. See how alerts correlate in time

    CONTEXT: When investigating an alert, it is useful to see what else has happened at the time. SQL Monitor gives detailed performance and query data with every alert details report, but doesn't show what other alerts have been raised at the time

    PROBLEM: Sometimes alerts inform one another. E.g. a Long-running query can be caused by a blocked process, or a deadlock can cause a job failure. Alerts coinciding with the current one potentially help us to determine the root cause

    • List time-correlated alerts when viewing alert details
    • See alerts over time on a graph

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Version 6.0 was released on August 30th, 2016 and contained a new Server Overview which shows alerts over time.

    I am closing this as there have been no new comments since it was released. If you would like to see specific improvements to this feature, please raise a new suggestion.

    SQL Monitor Development Team

  17. Reduce the number of false-positive status alerts (e.g. Machine unreachable)

    CONTEXT: Many status alerts (eg. Machine unreachable) have a simple configuration model, meaning that these alerts will trigger as soon as a ping to the Machine fails.

    PROBLEM: VPN connection resets, scheduled restarts, etc. all may be acceptable causes for a ping to fail in our system, but these currently lead to a lot of false positives... provided they are brief, and the system recovers in time.

    • Add configuration to the machine unreachable alerts to set a time threshold
    • Require two consecutive pings to fail before raising the alert

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Version 5.0.5 introduced the ability to configure machine unreachable, and SQL Server instance unreachable, by multiple time thresholds. We left this open for a while to see if there were any further requests. Thanks for the suggestion.

  18. Triage and configure repeating alerts more efficiently

    CONTEXT: Some alert types such as Long-running queries, Job Failure or Error Log Entries can trigger very frequently under certain circumstances.

    PROBLEM: This causes a large number of alert emails to be sent, and the only way to ascetain that all these alerts are the same is to view the details screen for all of them.

    • Group similar alerts in the alert inbox
    • Raise alerts not on individual events, but on these events happening a specified number of times
    • Mention identifying information sooner: e.g. directly in the alert inbox
    • Suppress query-based alerts for specific…

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  19. Make SQL Monitor scale to more machines and networks

    CONTEXT: We want to monitor many different servers in different domains and locations

    PROBLEM: Network configuration for cross-domain monitoring can be challenging, and SQL Monior can slow down if many servers are being mointored

    • Create a central web interface that can access multiple Base monitors
    • Provide an optional agent that can be deployed for easier network configuration
    • Make a single installation of SQL Monitor scale to a larger number of servers, and make network configuration easier

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  20. Forecast and plan disk/database capacity

    CONTEXT: When looking after a large number of databases, we have to make sure that none of them run out of space or I/O capacity.

    PROBLEM: SQL Monitor needs to show us:
    • The current size of Database files (and which disks they are on) and how full they are, ideally with a forecast
    • Autogrowth configuration
    • Space remaining on disk, ideally with a forecast
    • File and disk-level IO metrics, ideally with a forecast

    • Provide this data as metrics in the Analysis Graph
    • Create a Disk Overview report with this data
    • Enhance the…

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    completed  ·  Adam responded

    Thank you for this suggestion. Version 8.0.10 released July 10th, 2018 includes a new Estate tab containing the new “Disk Capacity Planning” feature.

    We hope this meets the requirements and will close this suggestion, but please do raise another suggestion if you have specific improvements you’d like to see.

    Kind regards,
    SQL Monitor Development Team

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