set the default email recipient per level · completed
Day of week is not considered in Analysis Graph when comparing this mont with last month · completed
Permission granularity on server/cluster objects · completed
Create alert on items in Analysis Graph
Manually rerun a metric
be able to move database to another server
add the ability to have multiple users · completed
Expand lower section of overview window
Add database changes details based on the zoom range
Resizing Reports
Report showing least or busiest server.
Few suggestions: · declined
Suppress performance-related alerts during maintenance periods · completed
AG sync progress
ERRORLOG tab on Alerts
Alert types to have a option to send email to an alternate email id after office hour
When using Windows authentication I want the read-only account/group option. · completed
Allow trace to be set at the individual alert level and severity
Export a Databases report to Excel including Name, Availability, Transactions/sec and Database size for any time period
Choose aggregation used in the analysis graphs · declined