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724 results found
Add support for Windows Server Core
Server Core has a lower attack surface, uses less RAM and disk space and is the default way to install Windows Server
14 votes -
Raise an Event Alert when a database is dropped
There is currently no alert when a database is dropped or detached from a server. SQL Monitor should create an Event alert to record when the drop happened. Obviously this might be intentional (e.g. the alert you have now that records a database is offline), but it might be accidental or unknown to the DB team (E.g. a vendor drops their database).
Because it will (hopefully) be an intentional action, and quite probably no plan to ever re-attach the database, the alert should be an event alert rather than a normal alert (the normal alert would never end)
A similar suggestion has been raised before, and there was concern that a custom metric raising events might spam users. I don't think this would be a problem if it was a built in alert. There is a comment in that suggestion that matches this one.
There is currently no alert when a database is dropped or detached from a server. SQL Monitor should create an Event alert to record when the drop happened. Obviously this might be intentional (e.g. the alert you have now that records a database is offline), but it might be accidental or unknown to the DB team (E.g. a vendor drops their database).
Because it will (hopefully) be an intentional action, and quite probably no plan to ever re-attach the database, the alert should be an event alert rather than a normal alert (the normal alert would never end)
A similar…
6 votes -
Sort top queries by logical reads, or cpu usage.
Same idea that is already being done with duration. These are the 3 aggregates most commonly used. Being able to sort by avg vs total would be ideal. Performance Reports in SSMS can do this, so that idea.
1 vote -
Only Alert Database File Usage on one copy of a database in Availability Group
When monitoring all instances of an Availability Group, the Database File Usage alerts on every instance. This just adds extra noise. It would be great if instead of alerting on each copy it just alerted once on the availability group somehow.
3 votes -
Replication Monitor
Create a replication monitor type dashboard show status and current latency etc.
37 votes -
add more custom notifications
Execute HTTP Action :
This notification method executes a GET request or sends any POST, PUT, or PATCH data to a custom URL. You can execute specific actions on a web server or control any web service that accepts commands via one-time HTTP requests. Whenever a notification of this kind is triggered, the HTTP action is sent.
Execute Program:
With this notification method, you can execute a script or a program as an external process. It can be a Windows executable file or a BAT, CMD, or PowerShell file. You can use EXE, COM, BAT, CMD, VBS, or PS1 files.
11 votes -
kill sql spids
in other monitoring tools (Idera) i can see active sql connections and they are doing. i also have a option to kill the process if i decide. dose your product have this ability
37 votes -
Limited Estate functionality for unlicensed server
I would like to have very very basic estate functionality for servers without a Monitor license (I'm thinking Express instances on developer's station, sandbox instance without any real databases, etc.).
It would only be to keep visibility on them, so that we don't need to keep an inventory in a separate source. If the edition and version could be included that would be even better but of course nothing about disk usage / backups / jobs, etc.
I realize that this is essentially asking for something for free but I would venture that keeping visibility on all instances might lead of future sales.
I would like to have very very basic estate functionality for servers without a Monitor license (I'm thinking Express instances on developer's station, sandbox instance without any real databases, etc.).
It would only be to keep visibility on them, so that we don't need to keep an inventory in a separate source. If the edition and version could be included that would be even better but of course nothing about disk usage / backups / jobs, etc.
I realize that this is essentially asking for something for free but I would venture that keeping visibility on all instances might lead…
12 votes -
shortened neat sharing links for graphs etc
shortened neat sharing links for graphs
3 votes -
Integrate with Policy Based Management
It would be really good to integrate with Policy Based Management to raise status alerts in SQL Monitor, that way we could breakout more complex Instance status
9 votes -
exclude databases from alerts with a named pattern
Some of our databases are named "XXX_Database", the "XXX" indicating that it should not be monitored. It would be nice to exclude those from alerts based on a given naming pattern.
22 votes -
Auto resolve slack after alert status is ended or cleared
6 votes -
Error Log Section - Under the instance screen add a search function similar to Databases section where we can search for keywords like fail
Error Log Section - Under the instance screen add a search function similar to Databases section where we can search for keywords like failed logins. This will speed up the process to look for something specific rather than moving through pages looking for that one error.
1 vote -
Report - Longest running queries: Include Stored Procedure name
Please include the name of the stored procedure (where applicable) in the report of "Longest running queries".
Currently I need to use SQL Search to find the procedure that includes the query.You can do a LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects using objectid to find the name (objectname) of the originating stored procedure.
30 votes -
bring Failed SQL Agent Jobs to the front
Show Failed SQL Agent Jobs at the first. Currently its behind (graphic)
For us its important to see the Failed Jobs.
6 votes -
Slack notification in more detailed
Slack notifies the alert, would be great to view complete details in slack specific to notified. This helps giving access to development for a slack channel to look into Long Running Query corresponding to database. without giving full access
8 votes -
Set Maintenance Window by Group
We do maintenance by class of server (DEV, QA PRD) and update an entire group during one maintenance window. It would be nice to be able to select a group like "Production" and set one maintenance window instead of setting it for each server. And since we do maintenance on the second Sunday for one group and the third Sunday for another we can't set a window and forget it. We have to set it before the weekend there will be work done and then clear it on the following Monday. More scheduling flexibility would be a wonderful addition.
4 votes -
I am making reports in the Red Gate SQL Monitor. I am organizing them by databases in AGs. This is difficult because when selecting what dat
I am making reports in the Red Gate SQL Monitor. I am organizing them by databases in AGs. This is difficult because when selecting what database to monitor it is either ALL on server or an individual one. I have to put a new line for each database I want. Could you please also include "ALL in AG xxx". This way I do not have to add a line for each database in the AG I am monitoring, and if I add or take away a database from that AG then it will automatically be done on the report.
1 vote -
Suport for Azure SQL Hyperscale
Add support for the new Azure SQL Hyperscale PaaS solution
110 votes -
Estate Page - Disk Usage - Show Actual with Allocated
There's plenty of real-estate to include a column for database file rows that shows the true "USED" space, not the Allocated space.
Right now, SQM is predicting data drive exhaustion at 16 days hence:
Fake "Used": 5,634.5 GB Capacity: 5,959.4 GB Fake "% Used": 95% Time until full: in 16 daysSadly, Untrue, from a "Used" perspective - only true from an Allocated perspective!
When I drill into that drive, THIS is the truth:
Used: 4,752.6 GB Capacity: 5,611.7 GBPlease promote this "USED" as a higher-level total, and use it as a projection - i.e., retain a history of USED by DB drive and project from THAT, not from allocated. (misnamed column on the main page needs fixing)
This saves "serious problem here" knee-jerk reactions from the main page, forcing the SQM User to drill-down only to find, "no problem here".
There's plenty of real-estate to include a column for database file rows that shows the true "USED" space, not the Allocated space.
Right now, SQM is predicting data drive exhaustion at 16 days hence:
Fake "Used": 5,634.5 GB Capacity: 5,959.4 GB Fake "% Used": 95% Time until full: in 16 daysSadly, Untrue, from a "Used" perspective - only true from an Allocated perspective!
When I drill into that drive, THIS is the truth:
Used: 4,752.6 GB Capacity: 5,611.7 GBPlease promote this "USED" as a higher-level total, and use it as a projection - i.e., retain a history of…
4 votes
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