Change colour of chart line
When viewing a single metric chart in 'Analysis', the line is a yellow-golden colour, which I find horrible (just my opinion) and hard to focus on - can this be configurable?
This was completed in 3.0 – apologies for not updating sooner.
We changed the colour palette and improved it. We have still had to use yellow due to the number of dbs it’s possible to display, but it will be used last and is more of a mustard/orange yellow now. We’ve also deepened other colours so the Analysis page should be easier to view.
We hope this is fixes the problem – thanks for the suggestion – and we welcome any feedback.
jonathanallen69 commented
Yellow on white is only ever good if you are trying to cause migraines and put off users. It needs to be a darker colour without a doubt
Thanks for your comment Kev. I think we do need to review the colours we've used in parts of the application and also consider whether we make them configurable or not.
I'll be certain to get back to you when we have time to look further into this...