Simpler Upgrade \ Patch Process
The upgrade process is a bit long winded. It would be great if the system could be upgraded or patch with a single click. Ideally within SQL Monitor but if not, downloading the file and just selecting upgrade would be great.

Thanks Phil – we are considering reworking the upgrade process. If this suggestions gains more traction, we’ll prioritise it higher
ptrubs commented
The upgrade process is abysmal.
Updating the website using the gui is pretty simple, but to update the base monitor forces you to install the website on the same box. Its not clear what effect installing the website on two different servers has on the install (or the most effective way of ignoring/uninstalling the website on the base monitor?). Not forcing the install of the website (through the GUI) would be a significant start.
Which leaves us with the instructions at which is still incredibly onerous, which requires an incredible amount of manual steps in order to automate it (some _provided_ Powershell scripts might be useful to assist with this)
Finally - having to enter the credentials of the Database service account for an update doesn't make things particularly streamline... (although can be dealt with if using a CI server) Can the existing config settings be re-used?
Greg Smulko (Redgate) commented
The unattended installation of SQL Monitor is possible as described in this article: .
It's still not as good as it could be, but definitely a step in the right direction IMO. :)