Select and store a static baseline for future reference
CONTEXT: When comparing server performance over longer periods of time or across deployments, the baseline functionality in SQL Monitor's analysis section is useful.
PROBLEM: SQL Monitor creates a dynamic baseline based on previous data. While this baseline is a realistic idea of what's "normal" it requires us to keep a lot of data in SQL Monitor
• Aggregate data in SQL Monitor so that it can be retained for longer without using much space
• Allow us to "freeze" a baseline so that the data doesn't get deleted.
What do you think about these solutions? Got another idea? Let us know in the comments!
SQL4GNT commented
Yes as an extension to the existing suggestion.
Thanks for the suggestion. This could be considered as an extension to an existing suggestion - the ability to store a baseline.
This would allow you to store and manage your baseline, with the ability to include/exclude data from it. If you agree, I will merge your suggestion so that your votes are added to it?
Thanks again,
Adam -
SQL4GNT commented
Sometimes the baselines that get established will change due to modifications of the job or the server. The ability to adjust baselines and/or clear them would be extremely helpful
Thanks Tjay. We do plan to make purge more flexible. Will update you when we start working on this.
Priya -
tjaybelt commented
I ran into a situation this past week when the RedGateMonitor database grew to consume the rest of the space on the LUN allocated it.
While it was full, many functions ceased working properly. I ended up adding another data file to the database to get around the issue. It would have been nice if I could go into a config and purge out old data. maybe cleared alerts that I just recently cleared. Maybe some sets of data that you deem 'old' that could be forcefully purged from the system