Add field 'Description' to Powershell module manifest
Currently it is not possible to redistribute the powershell module to an internal nuget powershell repository, because the field 'Description' is missing in the psd1 file.
At the moment we need to add this field and sign the module again before publishing it to our internal nuget feed.
This is now available in Monitor.
Marcel Kocks commented
Hi Greg,
we are using the barebone template nuget server from Microsoft as described here: it's not a bad idea, to have a description ;)
Thanks for adding it! :)
br, Marcel
Greg Smulko (Redgate) commented
Hi Marcel, thanks for reaching out. Out of interest, what internal NuGet PowerShell repository do you use? Based on Microsoft docs, it doesn't look like the Description field is required? Anyway, we've added it, it'll be included in the next release. :)