Include drive letter in subject and body of disk space alert email
It would be helpful to know which drive (by letter) the alert information detail is about in the email. The drive letter should be included in the subject line such as Disk space | ServerName | E:\ as well as in the body of the email. This information helps identify the problem drive without having to go to SQL Monitor for that information.
This enhancement will be in the next version of SQL Monitor
Jiri Berente commented
Yes, the disk names (not only the disk letter) in the Overviews, Alerts and in the Analysis would be nice and very helpfull.
Thanks -
Thanks for the suggestion James; can you clarify, are you thinking of the Analysis graphs, or elsewhere in the UI?
We'll keep an eye on how many other people would find this helpful as well.
James Anderson commented
I could never remember which drive letter is my temp drive or data drive on every server I have. Would be good to easily see the IO on my log drive over night. You can easily achieve this and it would make the tool so much more useful then it already is. IO is one of the toughest things to get a handle on and this would make a huge difference. Thanks
John Scott commented
Awesome, thanks Daniel!
Thanks John. We have improved email for v3.3 release but missed this. We are tracking it as SRP-8941 and should be fixed for next release.
Priya -
John Scott commented
Disk space C: on Servername > Node (format as it is on alert details page) would also the email subject and body.