Add other Red Gate tools to SQL Monitor as licensed modules
It would be useful if the following tools were additional modules that could be added to the web interface to SQL Monitor;
SQL Backup Pro
Index Manager
For example, upon receiving a no database/log backup alert it would be great to just click into another section of SQL Monitor to then diagnose/fix the issue rather than using an external application. Additionally the capability within Index Manager would sit well in SQL Monitor as a logical extension for the fragmented index alert.
This would allow SQL Monitor to be the primary place that a DBA would need to go in order to monitor & maintain the databases & servers.

r2690698 commented
we would buy them if they could be added to the web UI.
Thanks for your suggestion John.
We are working to integrate our tools along these lines so it's very useful to hear how this could work for you. It would be great to discuss this further - drop me a line at if you'd be happy to continue the conversation.
Thanks again for your feedback,