Periodically or manually request "check disk size" for when SAN Drives are reconfigured on the fly
We resized the log drive from 100GB to 170GB. SQL Monitor shows 100GB until the base monitor service is restarted.
Periodically, i.e., once a day, re-check disk sizes.
Perhaps on the configuration page, show a button to "re-evalute server base characteristics", which would include disk drive sizes.

Disk capacity is re-evaluated regularly (every 10 minutes or so)
Robin Anderson commented
I checked the default polling period and it appears that this metric is collected every 4 minutes. I then tested this by creating a virtual volume and shrinking/expanding it. Sql Monitor updated the metric each time I changed the size of disk within a few minutes.
Since most other metrics update every 15 seconds, I can see how it might look static. Was SQL Monitor reset before 4 minutes had elapsed?
I'll retest using an actual SAN if this isn't the case.
Priya Sinha commented
Thanks a lot Stephen for letting us know. We will investigate this and post the findings here. This may be a bug.