Make it possible to mark a query to be tracked from the database menu
Include Top N Worst Performing Stored Procedures and Functions
show client host name for queries in top SQL
Monitor database total space usage not by individual data files.
Monitor Distributed Availability Group Metrics
Choose aggregation used in the analysis graphs · declined
save monitoring data of a specific day
Only Query Serverless Azure SQL Databases if they are Online and not Paused
Add the ability to use "special" characters (@, #, etc) when using searching in "Top Queries"
Include Custom SQL Code in alerts
Reduce the suggestions on how to fix queries when viewing Top 10 Queries
Add the ability to create new alerts · completed
set the default email recipient per level · completed
Alert based upon trend data
Monitor Azure SQL DWH
Option to filter(replace) sensitive SQL from alerts displayed/recorded
See the last X weeks of User transactions/SQl statments ran on the server
Automatic validation of regex for Long-running query configuration
Offer integration with power bi
Baseline data within report graphs