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712 results found

  1. Subject line change on Alerting .Include TargetObject name instead of Base monitor server

    Dear team ,
    We are successfully integrated SQL Monitor with halcyon monitoring Via SNMP traps. Business rules in Halcyon generates the ticket in SD and it comes to DBA's for action.
    we are happy that setup is working as expected but we wanted to have a TargetSystem name in subject line of the alerts instead of coming as base monitor server name where SQL monitor hosted . This will let us take a quick glance on high priority systems rather than less priority .
    Subject line should include target Object instead of base monitor server name (which is default for…

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  2. Create an alert that triggers when receiving only partial telemetry from a server

    I have a situation where Redgate Monitor is sometimes not receiving telemetry from the server OS. This occurred sporadically for several weeks until I had to open the server's detailed information, where I discovered the missing telemetry. The monitor triggered no alerts during those weeks despite it being caused by crashing windows services.

    I've attached a screenshot that shows the missing telemetry for CPU and memory, caused by the perfmon service timing out and crashing.

    After opening a ticket I was informed that there are no alert conditions in the monitor to detect this situation. This seems like a crucial…

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  3. identify blocking sql no longer executing, but didnt commit transaction

    I want to be able to see the blocking statemement of a session that is done executing a statment, but did not commit the transaction. It seems that the "blocking Statment" is missing in the blockchain, if the statement causing the block is no longer executing. This leads me to think that your currently pulling the sqlhandle of the blocking session, whereas the more , or at least sometimes more appropiate think to do is to pull the "mostrecentsqlhandle" from sqltext. please consider.

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  4. Monitor Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server

    Is there a plan to support monitor PostreSQL Flexible Server on Azure?

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  5. alerts summary tile to be able to filter out cleared alerts

    Please allow Alerts Summary tile to be able to filter out cleared alerts, similar to the Alerts tile

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  6. Dashboard Metrics for MTTR & MTBF

    Can we have a dashboard and report module for MTTR and MTBF for all databases(daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly) on Redgate Monitor?

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  7. Tags in "About" section are viewable, but not selectable or copyable

    The tags in the about section in a monitored Server are viewable, but not copyable.
    We use tags for the category or a contact person or person of charge or additional information hints.

    This information as tags are a easy appoachable and fast way to see those information from a sql server.

    But there is no easy way to copy the content of a tag. You can easily drop a tag or create a new tag, but is impossible to select/copy (somehow select + right click + copy or select + ctrl c) the content of a tag.

    At the…

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  8. To add on - able to save the metric of baseline in 'Analysis' page by showing different metric graph with their own baseline

    I think this idea is useful for metric comparison with the baseline. Currently, user need to select the metric every single time login into the page. This config could not be saved.

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  9. add SSO option to the AD/LDAP logon screen

    Attached file is from an application we use that allows the user to quickly logon as themselves, or to manually enter network credentials. In addition, the attached file shows a logon screen with the application version number; this too would be helpful for Redgate Monitor without having to login and check the configuration info page.

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  10. new altert for service state of PowerBI Reporting Services PBIRS like "SQL Server Reporting Service status (2017+)"

    In addition to SQL Server Reporting Services SSRS, we have more and more PowerBI Reporting Services PBIRS.
    For SSRS since 2017 there is a separate alarm "SQL Server Reporting Service status (2017+)" in Redgate.
    This tells us when an SSRS is no longer running. This also works.

    However, as far as I can tell, this alert does not cover PBIRS.
    Recently, customers increasingly want PBIRS instead of SSRS and unfortunately we do not currently see the status of the PBIRS service in Redgate and do not receive an alert if this service is not running.

    We know that PBIRS and…

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  11. Make reports from database extended properties and sort it by database name for CMDB purpose

    Make reports from database extended properties and sort it by database name for CMDB purpose

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  12. Make configuring alerts easier

    Currently we have several instances grouped into three top-level groups and then several subgroups underneath. This structure allows us to set alerts at the group level and then drop instances in and out of that defined set.

    If we select a group and configure an alert setting, when the page refreshes it does not return back to that same sub-group, instead opting to go back to the very top 'All Servers' level which if not spotted can mean you then select the next alert to configure and inadvertently change the setting for all servers.

    This seems like basic functionality but…

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  13. implementing user permission settings at the instance level, rather than at the cluster level.

    In my company, it is crucial to implement permission settings at the instance level, rather than at the cluster level, for accessing overviews and creating summarized reports. ~
    This feature is extremely important because our clusters are shared by multiple tenants/instrances, and we need the ability to assign specific permissions to the respective owners of each instance.

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  14. Uncover hidden tuning opportunities by toggling graphs to a different scale

    Two problems, one suggested solution: First, too often something important to us is hidden, because the graph showing the critical metric is skewed by another event. In order to show the peak of that event, the graph is scaled such that other activity is just a flat line at the bottom. Second, graphing multiple measures in a single graph, when their scales vary widely, makes interpretation difficult--for a contrived example, imagine plotting CPU (scales to 100) and batches per second (scales to tens of thousands for our web site). A tool for tuning MongoDB provides a beautiful solution, by allowing…

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  15. Ignore Selected Procedures in Top Procedures Grid

    In the Top Procedures grid, a checkbox for toggle if the stored procedure in the row is one that you would want to ignore and not examine for any metrics during that or any given time

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  16. Show Schema Name For Each DB on Top Procedures Grid

    On the Top Procedures grid, within the row data - showing the schema name within the database if it exits.

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  17. Add DTU, CPU, DATA I/O, Log I/O to grids 'Top Queries', 'Tracked Queries', 'Top Waits'

    On each of the Top Queries, Tracked Queries and Top Waits grids a way to customize the columns to show metrics for DTU, CPU, DATA I/O, Log I/O

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  18. Remove sys from Top Queries as a filter

    On the dashboard “Top Queries” grid, a way to filter out any queries that were system wrote or 'sys' wrote. This way you can monitor only the queries that you have written.

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  19. Current Activity (sp_whoisactive) History

    I would love to see snapshots of current activity (sp_whoisactive) taken on a regular cadence (e.g. every 5 minutes would be very useful for troubleshooting).
    So in the current activity tab I can select a snapshot time from a dropdown of taken snapshot times. Backwards/Forward buttons advancing to the next/previous snapshot would very powerful.

    Having the top queries and waits etc. is super useful, but being able to see a snapshot of the active running queries around an incident would add a lot of value.

    Appreciate that is potentially generating a significant volume of data so appropriate retention/default capture options/server…

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  20. Show "HostPID" on deadlocks

    Add "Hostname" and "Hostpid" detail to blocking processes and long running queries in RedGate, this information is available deadlocks.

    This would help us to identify the process causing the blocking to further investigate fixes vs trying to work out the process from the SQL code, which can often look similar to other queries.

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