Control Alerts For Managed Instances Separately From On Prem.
Some guidance for Azure SQL Managed Instances is different from on prem SQL Instances. For instance, there is information out there not to just do routine index maintenance and instead do statistics and only rebuild indexes when there is an obvious problem. Having a way to keep our current alerts for on prem and turn this off for Azure would be helpful.

Hi Tom,
Thanks for your suggestion. Can you provide a bit more context for your suggestion? What goal are you trying to accomplish?
Would the current ability to control alert settings by group not be sufficient for this?
(SQL Monitor product designer)
Tom Uellner commented
The guidance I've read says that most of the benefit of index rebuilds is in statistics being recreated and the fragmentation is very often not an issue. And that regularly rebuilding indexes in Azure is very expensive (money not resources) and it's best to just setup statistics rebuild jobs. I've done that with Ola's scripts and it seems to be working well for the DBs we've moved to Managed Instances. So now I get alerts from the DBs in Azure that indexes are fragmented. I need this alert on for on prem because we're not ready to make that change wholesale to all those databases yet and I still want my fragmentation alerts for local on prem VMs. There might other instances where guidance varies from local to cloud. I'm still researching best practices for Azure vs local.