Every alert should be able to be cleared
I recently ran into an issue where a specific alert ("Monitoring error") could not be cleared. Support staff told me this is by design.
I thnik this is bad design. Every alert, no matter how serious, no matter how breaking, should be clearable.
Whatever the issue is, once I am aware it is up to me to decide whether I want to continue to be alerted or not. If I know I'll fix it later, or I know I won't (or can't, as was the case for me) fix it, then I want to clear it.
By not clearing an alert, I decrease visibility of other alerts and I instill numbness to alerts in my team.

Hi Hugo,
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve experienced issues with this. There is a setting within ‘Configuration > Display settings’ (see screenshot) to not force errored instances to display red on global overview.
It sounds like this is the issue that you’ve experienced. If you activate this setting then monitoring errors will not behave in this way on the Global dashboard.
Neil Turner
(Lead designer – SQL Monitor)