Click to open analysis from alert window
For some alerts, I like to see not only what happened before, but also what happened since. Some examples are disk space, or database file usage. The latter for example has a nice graph of the file usage up to the moment the alert triggered. But when I look at it the next day in the office, I also want to see what happened since - did the file continue to grow, has it been stable since, or was this a peak and is less space used now?
Currently that means going to the Analysis tab, selecting the correct server and database, selecting the File Used metric, and selecting an appropriiate time window.
It would be great if I could just click a link in an alert to immediately open the Analysis tab with the appropriate server, database, and measure(s) already selected, and with a time frame preset from e.g. two hours before the alert until now.
This would probably be usefull for many other alerts as well (I'll leave it to the RedGate team to figure out the appropriate measures to open for each alert).

Matthew Flatt commented
Hi Hugo,
Great suggestion, while it doesn't resolve your exact issue there is a little trick you can use to cut down on the number of steps to get to what you want to see. When in an alert, if you click on the SQL Server tab under Performance data and click one of the metrics there it will take you to the Analysis graph for that metric on the correct server/instance. You can then change to the correct metric and choose the database as well as specifying the time range to look at.