Alerts for suspect_pages
We would like to see alerts for suspected pages.
Errors Recorded in suspect_pages Table
The suspectpages table contains one row per page that failed with an 824 error, up to a limit of 1,000 rows. The following table shows errors logged in the eventtype column of the suspect_pages table.
Error description eventtype value
823 error caused by an operating system CRC error or 824 error other than a bad checksum or a torn page (for example, a bad page ID) 1
Bad checksum 2
Torn page 3
Restored (The page was restored after it was marked bad) 4
Repaired (DBCC repaired the page) 5
Deallocated by DBCC 7
The suspectpages table also records transient errors. Sources of transient errors include an I/O error (for example, a cable was disconnected) or a page that temporarily fails a repeated checksum test.