Exclude tempdb/ReportServerTempDB from Alerts at a GLOBAL level, WITH EASE
It makes no sense for there to be Alert configuration settings for tempdb for Consistency Checks, Backups, and any other irrelevance.
If the ONLY reason for the existence of SSRS databases is because of Microsoft's idiotic requirement for SSRS to actually be configured in 2014 before permitting an in-place upgrade to 2016, there is no ACTUAL reason why one would care two hoots about the state of either SSRS DB on ANY instance affected by this "demand". OK, I have just 21 instances to drill down to SHUT UP ABOUT SSRS DATABASES!
Please provide a better way to manage SYSTEM databases (I do not regard SSRS databases as "real" USER databases, despite SQL's classification as such). I need global settings that apply to standard SQL-named databases, not the current drill down every instance paradigm that is significantly man-effort-wasteful.