configure notifications 'per alert per object' rather than just 'per alert'
Right now we have a large number of SQL Servers across different environments such as dev, QA, production, etc. In a similar way to having multiple notification channels configured on an alert (another suggestion covers that), I'd like to be able to configure the alert notifications differently for each level that the alert is set at ... I'm away from work right now, but I think that although you can set the thresholds and filters at each group level, you cannot change the notification settings (eg, do NOT trigger SNMP alert for non-production environments). if I'm right about that, then that is my suggestion - if I'm wrong, then just tell me how to do it and you can close this ticket :-)

Douglas Johnston commented
Actually ... I can see that you can configure the alerts at each level, so you can change the notifications, so I think that is off the table. HOWEVER, I realized that what I think I wanted to say is covered in another ticket - I want ALL notification channels to be available to ALL alerts. I mentioned in another comment that having the notifications as a plugin framework would have been a great thing, as I would then just be able to select each channel on each alert at each group/server ... regardless of the alert type itself.
You can probably reject this ticket as denied if you like, as the functionality is available, and another suggestion covers what I want.