A Comprehensive Manual for SQL Monitor
Currently there is a serious lack of information about SQL Monitor and that's bad for everyone and not just the user base for DPA. Therefore DPA needs a head to toe, top-down comprehensive manual that details every single aspect of DPA from the metrics it captures to the settings it uses and every single function/feature no matter how insignificant needs to be documented in a single manual/guide. When complete there should not be any part of DPA that is not detailed in this manual. While I can see no reason for why something this comprehensive would not be made available to licensed users of DPA, such a manual should exists so that at least the tech support staff and development team for DPA have some kind of reference.
Within this comprehensive manual for DPA the first part should cover every aspect of SQL Monitor that is consistent across all platforms (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server). The rest of the manual would detail anything that is platform specific.
I have worked in software support and I cannot imagine how tech support can do its job effectively when there is no comprehensive manual for the product they are supporting. The knowledge that would be found in a comprehensive manual for DPA may be spread across many SolarWinds employees

For SQL Monitor, in addition to the official documentation (https://documentation.red-gate.com/display/SM5/SQL+Monitor+5+documentation), there is a very comprehensive guide written up on SimpleTalk:
For DPA on the other hand, I think the good people of Solarwinds are better equipped than us Redgaters to document their tool ;)